Hi, I am Mohamed Gamal from Egypt, and I am one of 2 new student ambassadors for the entire MENA region. I did my undergrad in Egypt in electronic and communication, and now I am currently studying in the euro master, electronics engineering program at University of Surrey. The Euro masters program at surrey offers a chance to take a 6-month placement. The placement was the primary reason I chose to do my degree at surrey, it’s an added value to your cv. Plus if employers like you, I heard there is a greater chance to get sponsored by the same company that you interned for, but a word of advice, if you are going to opt for a placement is to start looking for placement early as it takes a lot of time to get one.
From The academics point of view, it is great here. In my department, The department of electrical and electronics, the whole program has been designed based on the research centers they have, and are taught by leading academics, and researchers. Like for example in the nano-science and renewable energy masters it is being taught by professors from the ATI research center at surrey. These professors leading the way in their prospective field which is something you don’t get exposed to in an Egyptian university. Not only that in your dissertation you get to actually work with cool stuff in these research centers which is pretty cool especially as an Egyptian, because they have equipment’s that we don’t have in Egypt (some of them are pretty expensive pieces of hardware). At Surrey you really, you are really taught to analyze, and think outside the box which is different from the way I was taught in my undergrad.
Surrey university also has a large proportion of student from the MENA region, with lots of society that cater for the MENA student region like the Egyptian association in the university which has shisha nights. Guildford itself, were Surrey University is located, is a great town with proximity to really cool places like London. I will take more about the student life, and my experience at Surrey in details in my next blog post, so stay tuned, until then Salam.
انا الطالب الجديد في جامعة سري ,محمد جمال الدين ,في الماجستير الاوربي اليورو ماستر الذي يتيح لي فرصة للتدريب في الصيف حتي نهاية الترم التاني من السنة القادمة وفرصة ان احصل علي توصيه من احدي الشركات الإنجليزية واضيف تدريبي هذا الي السيرة الذاتية الخاصة بي و لكان انصح اي طالب جديد بالبجت عن التدريب مبكرا.
ومن الناحيه الاكاديمية التعليمية فإن منهج قسم الكهرباء مبني علي مراكز أبحاث يتولي الإشراف عليها أساتذة أكاديمين. ففي تكنولوجيا النانو والطاقه المتجدده يقوم بالاشراف عليها أساتذة من مركز ابحات ati تابع للجامعه وهو مركز أبحاث متقدم يقدم كل ماهو جديد. ليس هذا فقط بل إن المشروع الخاص بي سوف أقوم بعمله في مركز ابحاث حيث المعدات الحديثة المتقدمة والتمينه لاتتوافر في مصر. أضف الي ذلك ان الدراسة في سري علمتني التفكير التحليلي الإبداعي والتفكير خارج الصندوق وهذا مالم توفره لي الدراسه في مصر.