Hey guys, the month of May has arrived which means it’s officially the beginning of Greek summer weather. It’s now been over a month since I’ve started working in the private clinic and it has been quite the experience so far.

A picture taken at Chalkidiki, which I visited on the 1st of May, Greek labour day.
A “radioactive omelette”
One of the most fascinating exams conducted within the nuclear medicine department is known as a “gastric emptying scintigram”. An omelette which is specially prepared within the department, by adding a radiopharmaceutical, is eaten by the patient. Every few hours scintigrams are taken in order to assess the digestive process within the stomach. Exams like these aid in the physician’s diagnosis for patients with gastroenteric problems.
Our younger patients
Working in the health sector you get to see all kind of patients. The ones that have truly amazed me, are the younger ones. Their age ranges from only a few months old all the way up to teenagers. Making sure they feel comfortable and helping them understand my job role, has really helped me evolve as a person. Getting a high-five at the end of the exam and inspiring trust in them, is extremely rewarding. I have learnt to be kind, calming and understanding.
Reuniting with and hosting a friend from the U.K.
As I mentioned in my previous blog, making time for friends and relaxation is of vital importance. I got the opportunity to host one of my British friends and show her how the student experience is in Greece. We explored the entire city of Thessaloniki and got to be tourists for a while. It was an incredible way for me and my friends to get to see the city that I’m really going to miss after finishing my placement.

The view from the top of the white tower, a historical monument in Thessaloniki.

Me and my friends at the top of the white tower.
From exploring the beautiful city of Thessaloniki to cooking radioisotope-induced omelettes, this placement year never fails to surprise me. One more month of learning/working left to go before I move back to the U.K. and start getting ready for final year.