In case this is the first blog post you’re reading, then I’m Sofia and I’m the founder of FreedomFit. The nutrition and fitness company that comes without the restriction and without the obsession. I aim to help better educate young adults in both nutrition and exercise through online workshops and give you the opportunity to work one on one with registered nutritionists and personal trainers. You will also be able to have individualised workout and meal plans developed. I want to help you develop long-term, sustainable healthy habits, that allow you to feel free around food and exercise, without having to obsessively keep track of the numbers (such as calories, weight, etc.).
Business Legalities
It’s fair to say, there’s one thing having a business idea and there’s another thing actually starting it. Whilst I know what I want to achieve with the business and what I would like to offer clients, dealing with the legalities of it all is a whole other matter. Never having studied anything business related, it is all a completely new territory for me. This month I finally decided to look into what everyone tries to avoid, TAX. There’s endless pages about VAT, corporation tax, when to pay each, how each one works… It’s fair to say it looks daunting. Luckily, I managed to find an accountant to meet with through a friend who could explain everything to me which made everything so much easier! Also, last month when I registered FreedomFit as a limited company with 1st Formations, they put me in touch with an accounting team who laid out all the dates for me of when everything is due. I couldn’t recommend enough getting help from external sources!
I also recommend always keeping room in your budget for unexpected costs. Even if you think you have everything mapped out, there will always be additional things that you just didn’t expect to have to pay. An example for me is the data protection fee which I had no clue about until recently, but it’s an important one as I’ll be dealing with people’s personal data.
Business Development
In terms of business developments, I have been working more on the content I want to cover in workshops and have also started mapping out a first draft of a potential program I could follow, linking all the workshops together. In addition, I’ve been working more on finalising the FreedomFit website. The final element I need to focus on in order to complete my website, is my pricing strategy which is something I intend to focus on next.
Taking Time Off and Not Feeling Guilty
Despite still making some progress with FreedomFit this month, between a holiday to Iceland and the festive period, it’s fair to say I’ve had a fair bit of time off from working too. Given that I’m someone who always needs to have a task I’m actively working on, and hates not feeling productive, I do find it hard to take a step back. However, often taking a break, whether that be a week, day or even a few hours, is sometimes exactly what you need. You usually come back feeling more motivated than ever, and also end up being a whole lot more efficient and productive. I’m writing this here as a reminder, that if you’ve found yourself taking a bit more time off this month, then it may actually benefit you more in the long-run!