Hi, I’m Lewis a student on the student enterprise PTY scheme currently running an events catering company called Pastry Puffs, we serve a fried pastry dessert and can be found outside the student’s union most Thursdays.

January was a frustrating month; I came back to Guildford well rested, and my motivation restored from taking a break in December. I was looking forward most to getting back into the Thursday market selling to students however, this event was cancelled throughout January due to the spread of Omicron and it being exam season for most students. I only found this out the day before the first planned market which caused me issues in terms of having stock I could no longer sell and now having to undertake the arduous task of unloading my car again.
Now with my diary looking bare I decided to dedicate my newfound time into emailing and phoning event organisers trying to make sure I’m as busy as possible in the spring and summer. In all I sent a total of 84 email enquiries and made 36 phone calls to different organisers trying to get a stall at their events, the main outcome for many of these communications was that either they were far too expensive or could not meet our power requirements.
Towards the middle of the month, I had a flare up in an ongoing medical problem as a result of a change in medication. This resulted in a very unproductive couple of weeks until I could get my medication sorted, this was a frustrating loss of time however, it was fortunate that my diary was empty for this time as it meant I did not lose any trade.
This concludes my blog for January, I look forward to speaking to you in Februarys vlog and hope I can see you at the Thursday market starting on the 10th, you can find us on Instagram @pastry_puffs.