It’s unbelievable how time flies, I remember my first week in Surrey just like it was yesterday, and now it’s a final week of the first semester. The last couple of weeks were taught because everyone is planning their holidays and preparing for Christmas, yet all of the assignments, group presentations and deadlines are building up. But finally, we survived it, and I am looking forward to coming home for the Christmas holiday.

Despite all the stress from the piled up work, the university has done a superb job in decorating the campus, I truly felt that Christmas feeling. In every building on campus, you will find a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with presents underneath it when the sun goes down all the Christmas lights would illuminate the campus and make it look more festive.

Apart from decorations and Christmas songs around the campus, some departments have organised several competitions. Like the one that I took a part in, Surrey Business School has organised a #SpotTheStag competition, where you had to find 1 out of 10 small stags that were hiding in the business school. So I did find one of the stags and as a prize, I have received a goody bag with a hoodie. What a treat in the middle of the busy week, this definitely lighted up my mood.

Christmas events and parties
Student’s Union has organised several events such as Christmas Market near the cathedral and SU Snow Citrus takeover in Rubix. Societies have organised several Christmas gatherings and parties. Our Russian Speaking Society has organised a Christmas/New Year’s event where we gave each other presents from the Secret Santa (this is a Christmas tradition where friends randomly choose a person to whom they will buy a gift and then you have to guess who was it from). Then we decorated our festive table and had a lovely evening with a group of friends, we’ve discussed our plans and wishes for the coming year. As for me those last couple of weeks were hectic, but the right atmosphere and friends helped me to get into this magical Christmas mood.
People are starting to leave university and to be honest, it feels a bit weird because just a couple of days ago the library and university halls were busy with students and now everyone is going back home to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones. I too am going back home and I’m very excited to see how Moscow is decorated and see my friends and family.

I wish everyone a lovely holiday, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Я желаю всем хороших каникул и поздравляю с Наступающим Новым Годом, надеюсь все ваши желания сбудуться в новом году!