Where to relax in Guildford?

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog, today I would like to take a virtual tour around Guildford. And show some special places where you can get the best fruits & veggies and where to enjoy yet another cup of coffee. Guildford is very historic town, the Guildford Castle was built around 1066 shortly around the invasion of England by William the Conqueror. What I love about Guilford is that it is very diverse in terms of population, local citizens and international students and also the architecture where you will find old, historic buildings and brand new, modern office spaces. Guildford can be both peaceful and quiet and at the same time busy and dynamic, so when coming to Guildford don’t be mistaken by its size and don’t think that this is a small, quiet town, Guildford is home to many multinational companies such as Phillips, EA, Charles Stanley and Allianz Insurance Plc just to name a few.

Guilford is surrounded by nature, there are a lot of picture-perfect places around the university and in town. Now that the spring is coming and it’s getting a bit warmer, walking or taking a break next to the university’s lake is a perfect way to relax after an intense day full of lectures and seminars.

Farmers Market

Its’s very important to look after your health as a university student because you are working a lot and your body needs all the vitamins and protein that it can get. Have a look at Guildford Farmers Market, it is open on Tuesday and on the weekend, here you will get the best locally sourced products with a good price. Here in Guildford, Farmer’s Market became a part of the town’s culture, on the weekend you would hear how farmers shout out the price for a fresh box of strawberries for £2.50 or avocados on a special price. As a student, you are on a budget and you may think that berries and fruits are expensive, but the fruits & veggies at the Farmer’s Market is twice cheaper than in the local supermarket. At university we have our own mini Farmer’s Market, we have multiple stands with fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh bakery and some take away food stands.

Spring is coming!

It’s getting warmer, birds are singing, flowers blooming… spring is coming. Get a cup or two of coffee from either, Pret a manger or Harris+Hoole or any other coffee shop nearby and head to the Guildford Castle, seat on the bench and enjoy the sun. Treat yourself with a nice company or a book and just relax, enjoy nature, sun, your coffee. Of course, student life is a lot of fun, learning, meeting new people, partying, but sometimes it can be tiring, so to avoid the burnout its important to take care of yourself. Don’t get me wrong, seeing your friends is fun but sometimes you need to relax, find peace and recharge if you could only find an hour or two during a week for yourself. I promise you you will feel better, more relax and ready to take over the world.

Find a new place to study

Studying in the library is just a part of being a student, but it’s also important to switch your working space, go to another desk, building or find a completely new place to study. I personally like to study in the library and on the weekend me and my friends go to the coffee shop, choose the biggest table available and study there. The relaxing atmosphere of the coffee shop makes studying a bit less of a chore.

That’s it from me! I hope you’ve enjoyed my virtual tour around Guildford. Take care of yourself, eat healthily and I will see you again.

Дорогие друзья! Надеюсь, вам понравился мой виртуальный тур по Гилфорду. Гилфорд – исторический город, замок Гилфорд был построен около 1066 года вскоре после вторжения в Англию Вильгельма Завоевателя. Что мне нравится в нашем городке, так это то, что он очень разнообразный с точки зрения населения, местных жителей и иностранных студентов, а также архитектуры, в которой вы найдете старые исторические здания и совершенно новые, современные офисные помещения. Гилфорд может быть и мирным, и тихим, и в то же время занятым и динамичным, поэтому, приезжая в Гилфорд, не судите по его размеру и не думайте, что это маленький, тихий городок. Здесь сосредоточены многонациональные компании, такие как: Phillips, EA, Charles Stanley и Allianz Insurence Plc, и это лишь некоторые из них.

Давайте поговорим о здоровом питании, так как вы студент, вам просто необходимо сбалансированно питаться и, также, не потратить весь бюджет. Вот вам мой совет! Приходите на наш фермерский рынок, который открыт каждый вторник и на выходных. Я желаю всем следить за здоровьем, вовремя отдыхать и хорошего настроения. Всем пока и до скорых встреч!
