Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share my second-year experience and my opinion about returning back to campus. I would love to welcome everyone back to our beautiful campus! I hope everyone is excited for a new academic year, despite the challenging times, the university is here to support you. You may have noticed inspirational billboards across the campus #wecandothis “We can help each other”.

Second Year
Making a jump from a first-year to the second year may seem overwhelming to some students. Many of my peers who’ve finished university or in their third year always told me that the second year is the most challenging year. I may agree with them, in the second year professors expect you to come prepared, complete the assigned individual work and be active. There is a huge amount of work for all four modules, however, I love this challenge. What about hybrid teaching? -you may ask, well, all of my lectures are pre-recorded, weekly learning agenda and assignments are uploaded on Surrey learn. The hybrid teaching model is constructed in a very smart way, as I’m preparing for my seminars at home and I only have to go to campus twice a week for my seminars and labs where I communicated with tutors face to face. Whilst on campus, wearing a face-covering is mandatory when entering a classroom you have to sanitise your workspace with antibacterial wipes that are given to you.
Choosing my modules
In the second year, you can choose your own modules, there are compulsory modules that everyone has to do, but you are free to selected your own additional modules. So this semester as a business management student I’ve chosen management science as my optional model, the other modules that are compulsory include corporate finance, management information systems and HR.

Safety on campus
As I’ve mentioned previously, face-coverings are mandatory, and when you are on campus you have to follow the one-way system, meaning that you have to enter and leave the building through two different doors. So, whenever you are on campus remember to observe social distancing, wear a face covering and follow the one-way system, ensuring campus’s safety is our responsibility.

Дорогие друзья! Новый учебный год начался я уже второкурсница!! Я так счастлива снова приходить на наш красивый кампус, сидеть на семинарах и учится. Многие из моих сверстников, окончивших университет или учившихся на третьем курсе, всегда говорили мне, что второй год – самый сложный год. На второй год вы можете выбрать свои собственные модули, но также есть и обязательные модули. Как я уже упоминала ранее, все студенты, профессора и гости обязаны носить маски для лица. Когда вы находитесь на кампусе, вы должны следовать односторонней системе, что означает, что вы должны входить и выходить из здания через две разные двери. Итак, всякий раз, когда вы находитесь в кампусе, не забывайте соблюдать социальное дистанцирование, носить маску для лица и следовать системе одностороннего движения, обеспечение безопасности кампуса – наша ответственность. Желаю вам быть позитивными в новых реалиях жизни! До новых встреч!