Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share my story on why I chose the University of Surrey. Choosing a university is a daunting task, as you will spend the next three or more years in that place. So, if you are interested in why I chose this university, please come along and enjoy this post.

Location, Location, Location
The University of Surrey is located in beautiful Guildford, a town that is 34 minutes away from London by train. Guildford may seem small, but it is full of life! Guildford is full of picturesque places, cafes, restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, famous shops and everything that a student needs. I might be biased, but I love Guildford! I might travel to London from time to time, but my heart belongs to Guildford. Guilford has a great nightlife, great pubs where you can hang out with friends, but also there are so many small and cosy coffee shops and outstanding outdoor spaces where you can spend a whole afternoon.
Take a look at what Guildford has to offer!
Vibrant campus
The University of Surrey has two campuses: the first and the main – Stag Hill and the second – Manor Park. The main teaching facilities, library, coffee shops and accommodation is located at Stag Hill. The majority of accommodation facilities and the veterinary department is located in Manor Park. Last year I lived in Manor Park in band D accommodation, I was sharing a kitchen with 5 other students and we all got along really well. University offers different accommodation band (A-F), it depends if you want to live alone or with someone else and you will definitely find a band that suits your budget. University of Surrey’s campus is unique, there is so much space to walk around, hang out with friends, enjoy the sunshine.
Teaching Excellence
Surrey is well known for its teaching excellence, in 2017 the University of Surrey has received a prestigious Gold Award in the Teaching Excellence Framework. As a second-year student, I have personally experience the world-class education that the university provides. Lectures and seminars are very engaging and interesting. Despite the Covid-19, the university continues to provide excellent teaching experience, as all the lectures are recorded and available online, seminars are organised through Zoom and all the books can be accessed digitally.
How Surrey adapted to the current climate
The university has adapted really well to the global pandemic, academic staff have reinvented the way they deliver content to students.
- exams were held online
- lectures are pre-recorded
- seminars are available through Zoom
Student support and wellbeing (Wellbeing Centre):
- mental health support
- health and wellbeing advice
- guidance on the management of stress
Book. Test. Protect
All students and staff on campus are expected to book a regular asymptomatic Covid-19 test in Surrey Sports Park. This test is free and available to everyone. There is also asymptomatic test, this is for students and staff who are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 (however mild), can access a free Covid-19 test through the Rapid Response.
Well, guys, that’s it from me for today! I hope you are staying safe, studying hard and not stressing much. Embrace the challenge that everyone is facing, have a walk outside, explore Guildford, organise zoom meeting with your friends and take care of yourselves.
Дорогие друзья! Сегодня я хотела бы поделиться своей историей о том, почему я выбрала университет Суррея. Выбор университета является сложной задачей, так как вы проведете следующие три или более лет в этом месте.
Университет Суррея расположен в красивом Гилдфорде, городе, который находится в 34 минутах езды от Лондона на поезде. Гилдфорд может показаться маленьким, но он полон жизни! Гилдфорд полон живописных мест, кафе, ресторанов, пабов, ночных клубов, известных магазинов и всего, что нужно студенту. Я мог бы быть предвзятым, но я люблю Гилдфорд! Я могу часто приезжать в Лондон, но мое сердце принадлежит Гилдфорду. В Гилфорде ночная жизнь разнообразна, есть старые английские пабы, где вы можете хорошо провести время с друзьями, а так же много небольших и уютных кафе и выдающихся парков и садиков, где вы можете провести целый день.
Университет Суррея имеет два кампуса: первый и главный – Stag Hill, а второй – Manor Park. Основные учебные заведения, библиотека, кафе и проживание расположены на холме Олень. Большинство объектов размещения и ветеринарного отдела находится в Manor Park. В прошлом году я жил в Manor Park в группе D жилье, я был обмен кухня с 5 другими студентами, и мы все ладили очень хорошо. Университет предлагает различные размещения группы (A-F), это зависит, если вы хотите жить в одиночку или с кем-то еще, и вы, безусловно, найти группу, которая соответствует вашему бюджету. Кампус Университета Суррея уникален, есть так много места, чтобы прогуляться, пообщаться с друзьями, насладиться солнцем.