Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

Puttenham Pyrotechnics ๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿ”ฅ

Hi everyone, Been feeling under the weather since Sunday evening which is why I haven’t posted about the fiery fireworks.ย It was so bad yesterday that I sounded like a knock-off version of Darth Vader, *wheezing” sound effect included.ย Although if you count completely losing your voice as worse, then Sunday night was terrible! It’s improved slightly […]

Fallin’… ๐Ÿ

Hi everyone, Remember, remember, the 5th of November! It’s Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire Night/Fireworks Night today!ย But until night falls, I won’t be putting up fireworks photos from this weekend ๐Ÿ˜œ Instead, I’ll treat you to a little showcase of the Autumnal colours of Guildford just because it’s Fall and I’d better do this before Winter takes […]

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