Hello! I am Wookjun Lee who study International Tourism management master’s course. I uploaded late but, February 1st was Chinese New year’s day. Chinese celebrates as 春节(Chun Jie). It means the new spring festival. However, also in South Korea, we celebrate really big. There are several public holidays in South Korea, among them Lunar new year’s day and Chuseok (Lunar August 15th) are the biggest.
I came to the United Kingdom last September so I celebrated Chuseok during the isolation period. At that time I felt a little lonely at that time. But this time, I tried to be more active.
From 6AM, I called at least 20 older people including undergraduate professors and finished military bosses. To show respectivity, I called about 3 hours and talked about my future dreams. I hope to do my best anyway.
I made the rice cake soup. Every new year’s day, Koreans normally eat rice cake soup to celebrate new year’s day. There is a Korean myth that after having dinner with rice cake soup then, age goes up. Especially, in my case, I changed as twenty-eight. To having more responsibilities, I have to be my best. Also the store in Pizzaman, gave me bonus food eating. It was really fantastic experience for me. Do my best well.
안녕하세요! 저는 국제관광학 석사과정을 공부중인 이욱준이라합니다. 2월 1일은 바로 민족의 대명절 설날이 있었습니다. 중국에서는 춘절로 매우 크게 행사를 하지만 우리나라의 설은 너무나도 유명하죠. 북적북적한 곳에서 윷놀이도 하고 떡국도 먹으면서 말입니다.
제가 작년 9월 중순에 영국에 들어와서 어느덧 5개월 차가 되었네요. 그 당시에는 자가격리를 했었고 추석때는 아무 곳도 못가고 꼼짝없이 머물렀던 기억만 있네요!! 이제 저도 한국나이로 스물 아홉이 되었기 떄문에 제 삶에 책임감을 가지고 살아야할듯합니다. 진짜 복 받았다고 생각을 하는게 제 주변에서 하나하나 챙겨주시는 사람들이 많기 때문에 그게 참 다행입니다. 감사합니다.
Really really thanks so much!