Work hard, play harder

在經過兩個禮拜學業方面的介紹,這個禮拜我們就來看看學校有趣的社團吧!在之前的新生週的介紹我也有提到超級熱鬧的社團博覽會,雖然我花了一段時間才完全走完每個攤位,我還是有找到我喜歡的社團,那就是類似大眾傳播的Stag TV還有我從小到大都沒缺席過的熱舞社Surrey Dance Squad:)

After the two weeks introductions about academy and study life, this week we are moving on to the exciting societies! As mentioned before, there was a busy fresher’s fair during the fresher’s week. Although it took me a while to walk around every stand and take a look of each of them, I still manage to find my favorite society which are Stag TV and Surrey Dance Squad:)

在Surrey上百個社團當中,我有在社團博覽會當時報名了好幾個不同的社團,不過當學期開始之後,讀書和社團的時間管理也成為了我的另一個課題。不過當好好地運用時間跟安排好行程,大學生活會變得更好玩,而且我也可以保證社團活動絕對是你學生生涯的大亮點!有時候我也需要在社交、課業跟社團當中做選擇,不過我通常都會盡全力參加所有的活動!聽起來很瘋狂但是何不呢?”YOLO – You Only Live Once” 人生只有一次也無法重來,別讓自己到學生生涯的最後才在後悔什麼都沒做,不過也不要忘記”Work Hard, Play Hard”!

Among the hundreds of societies in Surrey, I did sign up for several societies at the fresher’s fair but as soon as the semester begin, time management between studies and societies becomes another task for me. Planning your schedule well can help you to balance your life in university and make it more interesting, and I would say society events would definitely highlighted your student experience! Sometimes I will need to make choice between social, revision and society but usually I will do my best to attend all of them! I know it sounds crazy but why not? “YOLO – You Only Live Once” Don’t make yourself regret when you realize that this is the last time for being a student, also remember “Work Hard, Play Hard”!

跳舞一直是我從小到大的嗜好跟興趣,我也可以在跳舞的時候釋放我的壓力。在進入大學以前,我一直在期待可以加入熱舞社而我就加入了Surrey Dance Squad!Surrey有一座設施非常完善而且嶄新的運動公園Surrey Sports Park就在距離主校區步行約10分鐘的路程可以到達的大場館。所有體育相關的社團都可以在裡面做訓練,而且全部的學生都可以以優惠的學生年費進入sports park來享受各種的設施。其中包括健身房、攀岩場、還有提供奧運選手使用的泳道,所以如果你是熱衷於運動的同學,完全不用擔心Surrey的設備喔~

Details of sports park is over here:

Dancing is always my interests and hobby since I was little, and I can release all my pressure at the time when I’m dancing and enjoying into the music. Before I came to the university, I am always expected to join into the dance team and there is Surrey Dance Squad! Surrey has a proper and complete equipment sports centre, the Surrey Sports Park, which is only 10 minutes walk away from campus. And all the sports related society can get the chance to be trained in the sports park. There is also the discount price for students that they can enter into the sports park to do any sports they like, such as gym, climbing and even the swimming pool for the trained Olympic athletes. Therefore, the student won’t need to be concern about the facilities if you are passionated into sports:D

Surrey Dance Squad則是主要在學校的表演藝術建築GSA裡面上社課,由於GSA就是專門給演技和舞蹈系學生上課的部門,所以全部的練習室都很寬敞明亮,非常適合練舞。我們的社費是一學年30鎊,然後你可以學習各種的舞風像是Hip hop、爵士、踢踏舞、芭蕾跟現代舞。帶領我們上課的大部分都是主修舞蹈的社團幹部們,大家都非常有耐心人也很好,就算沒有基礎相信你也可以很快上手的!這個禮拜我們就剛結束了一場聖誕表演,也很順利的落幕了。各種舞風和不同的人們一起完成一場表演的感覺真的很棒,也覺得之前做的練習果然沒有白費,我也更加期待下學期的社課跟競賽隊伍的表演了!

The Hip Hop Team!

Surrey dance squad mainly take place at the building of performance arts GSA, since GSA is the department for the dance and art students, all the practice rooms are very wide and bright which is very suitable for dancing. The sign up fee for each academic year is £30 and we can learn different dance styles like hip hop, jazz, tap, ballet and contemporary. The committee members in the society are mostly the dance students who has really great skills and patient, even if you have never tried dancing before, you can still easily to get started. This week we just finished a Christmas show successfully, complete the whole performance with different people and the combination of variety of dance styles feels so good and the practice that we have done are worth it. I am more looking forwards to the classes and performance next semester!

認識新的人一直是加入社團的其中一間主要的目的,而各個社團也不會漏掉各種的社交活動!前幾個禮拜我有機會參加Stag TV舉辦的活動,我也等不及跟你們分享了!話說,今天是我在2017上的最後一天課,祝大家都可以度過一個美好的聖誕,那就下次見囉~掰掰!

Meeting new people is always another main thing when join into the society, and the social events will never been missed out for every society! I was involved in another events for Stag TV few weeks ago and I can’t wait to tell you more about this next time! By the way, this is the last academic day in 2017 hope everyone will have a Merry Christmas and I will see you then! Bye~

Mandy xx