First Live Stream!

各位!我又帶著有趣的故事上來跟你們分享了~社團活動太多了導致我沒辦法在一篇文章裡講完:o 總而言之,這禮拜我要分享的就是另一個我參加的社團主要活動-Stag TV的LUMI的現場直播!

I am back again with some interesting stories! Society events are too many, I couldn’t even finish them in one post 😮 Anyways, the other main event that I have participated was LUMI live streaming with Stag TV society, and I will be telling you the details of the event this week!

LUMI是一場全國來自不同大學的樂團競賽,也是每年Stag TV的最大直播。這場活動不是只有Stag TV而已還有Stage Crew跟Stag Radio,不同社團一起合作舉辦統一場活動都是我們很樂見的。LUMI其實是我在Stag TV參加的第一個活動,不過我的科系多少跟Stag TV辦的活動有很大的關聯,所以也可以很快上手。就算是沒有相關經驗和知識的人,也可以透過他們定期舉辦的workshop來學習。

Coiling camera

LUMI is the biggest live stream that the Stag TV will do every year, which is the school band competition between different universities all around the country. Apart from Stag TV, this event is also holding by Stage Crew and Stag Radio which is always good to see how different societies can cooperate  with each other in the same event. Due to my course, the events that Stag TV do are pretty much related and they will hold some workshop as well. However, LUMI is my first event since I have joined to Stag TV.

Stage Crew基本上就是設置舞台和燈光,Stag TV和Stag Radio則是負責現場直播,一個主要專注在影像,另一個是聲音。所有過去幫忙的人都有機會去學習和操作不同的器材和技術,過程中真的很好玩!當天我試了mixing和操作我從來沒用過的不同類型的攝影機。我對攝影比較熟悉,在這次的活動中我只需要自己創造出不同的影像氣氛還有瞭解直播的流程。

Stage Crew is basically setting up the stage and all the lighting within this event, as for Stag TV and Stag Radio are in charge of the live streaming, one for image and another for sound. All of us who help out with this event all got the chance to learn and use different equipment and techniques which is really fun. At that day I have tried image mixing and control different types of cameras that I never experienced before. Filming is quite familiar for me, during this event I just need to create different atmosphere of the image by myself and also get to know the process of operate the cameras in live stream.

因為這是現場直播,所以我還蠻緊張的。只要我出錯或不小心讓攝影機出鏡,這些都會直接在網路上播出。特別是在mixing的時候,這個階段其實就是導播的工作,而我也沒有相關的經驗,所以我整個滿身大汗。Mixing 就是從各種不同的攝影角度選擇最適合的一幕然後在螢幕上播出,所以我需要隨時注意各個不同的攝影影像然後跟攝影師們溝通去得到最好的畫面。在混合不同角度的時候我也要留畫面的流暢性以免影想到觀眾。這個比看起來還要困難很多,而且也需要很快的反應力。雖然這個對我來說是一個挑戰,不過我也很期待能再有更多的機會再去更熟悉mixing.

Audio Mixing desk 😮

And because it is a live stream, I was quite nervous throughout the whole event. If I did anything wrong or accidently off scene it will be broadcast all over the Internet. Especially when I was doing mixing, this is the technique that I have never seen and operate before, so I was absolutely sweat because it is the main stage to broadcast the image online. Mixing is the process to choose the image from different camera to broadcast and give the audience the image they would like to see on the screen. Therefore, I will need to look at the all the images and choose the best one to broadcast without disturb the audience. This is much more harder than it looks and required quick reflection at the same time. Even though it was a challenge for me, I am still looking forwards to another chance for me to get more familiar on mixing in the future.

Setting up behind the scene!


The event finish around 10.11 and we packed up all the equipment and clean up the environment till 1 in the morning. Still can’t believe that I do all the work after finishing a 9-6 Friday lecture. This is a precious experience for me and I also met different people and obtain a lot of things at the same time. At the end, we all enjoying with the performers in the music, even we are physically tired but we are all very satisfied and enjoyed in the end.


Hope you all find out my society events are interesting! This will be the last article that I have written in 2017, looking forwards to see you guys in the future! Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year~


Mandy xx