新年快樂!大家假期都過得還好嗎?這是我第一次留在英國過聖誕節,而且我也留下了很好的回憶:) 依照慣例我又上來跟大家分享了,那麼廢話不多說直接進入主題吧!Gogo~
Happy New Year! How has everyone been during the holiday? This is the first time that I have stayed in the UK for Christmas and I had an amazing time 🙂 As usual, I am gonna share my holiday with you and I hope you will like it. Let’s get started~
這次聖誕特輯第一波就是和我的flat mate一起去的倫敦行,真不敢相信從開學到現在我都還沒去倫敦玩,畢竟車程也才一個小時。雖然坐火車只需要花40分鐘就可以到達Waterloo Station,不過身為一個勤儉持家的大學生(flatmate表示還在等第二學期的學生貸款 😂 ) 還有對抗可怕的聖誕節火車票價,我們選擇了搭乘英國的客運,也就是National Express前往倫敦。車程只要一到一個半小時然後平時的單程票價都是單程5~6鎊不等,絕對是學生的首選啊~雖然客運遲到了半小時不過我們還是準時地到達倫敦!而我們這次的一日遊買的是Oyster Card的Zone 1-2 one day pass £6.80,以單程£1.50的倫敦地鐵來說絕對是最划算的組合,之前有試過一次徒步玩倫敦,真的是 大 鐵 腿😂😂😂 奉勸各位,來倫敦玩一定要搭乘大眾運輸工具啊😭
The first Christmas special is the trip to London with my flatmate, can’t believe I haven’t been in to London since the university has started, and it only take an hour. Although taking the train only takes about 40 minutes to get to the London Waterloo Station, as a broke university student (and my flatmate’s still waiting for her student loan lol) and the ridiculous Christmas train ticket price, we decided to take the coach, which is national express to London. The coach take approximately one to one and a half hour to get there but only cost £5-6 for a single, definitely the best choice for student! This time, we bought the Oyster Card zone 1-2 day pass which cost £6.80. It is much more cheaper than paying the single ticket for the£1.50 tube, legit a cost saver. I have tried to walk around London last time. I can’t even feel my feet😂😂😂 so guys, please always take the public transportation when you come to London!
我們的第一站就是鼎鼎大名的牛津街,不知道是不是因為太早的關係,街上沒有我們想像的那麼繁忙擁擠。我們逛了一下牛津街然後就前往所有女生的聖地Selfridges,從外觀展示到內部裝潢只有高級兩個字可以形容,我們不免俗的進去window shopping了一下,也見識到各種令人瞠目結舌的售價,果然這種地方還是晃一晃就好😅
Our first stop is the famous Oxford Street, it is still too early so there was not that busy than we thought before. We walking around the Oxford street and head off to the girls’ paradise – Selfridges, the outside layout and the indoor decoration are at another level. Everything is so luxury and pretty, we still get in and do some ‘window shopping’, looking into the price tag just let me realized “Yah, let’s just do the window shopping😅 “.
因為我的flatmate是一個超級歷史控😂 ,我們下一個景點就是歷史博物館~這個好像不是大部分觀光客的首選行程,但是當我們一出地鐵站就直接被美哭😍 博物館的旁邊就是旋轉木馬跟溜冰場,超級不真實。建築物本身根本就是藝術品,美到我已經詞窮了。
Since my flatmate is a history geek😂 , we went to the National History Museum. There was a marry-go-around and a ice skating court, the view along with the museum is insane, everything looks so unreal and pretty at that time. The architecture of the museum is just an artwork, I am running out of descriptions because it was so nice.
每次寫遊記時間都不夠😿 請大家繼續期待我下一篇的倫敦遊記喔~下禮拜見啦掰掰!
Time is always not enough for a travel blog😿😿😿 Please looking forwards to the next London blog and I’ll see you next week!
Mandy xx