Hello everyone, haven’t been here for two weeks! How’s everyone doing? To catch up with you guys, this weeks’ article is gonna be a relay challenge, two articles will be release to sum up my first month of placement! Now if you are all ready, come and dive right in with my placement experience😉
Even though Guildford is super close to London, I didn’t get the chance to go into London that often in my first and second year. Therefore, I always feel like a tourist whenever I go to London. After starting my placement, although I am still under the shadowing phase of my position I still got plenty of chances to go out of the office and visit some projects on-site. I have to say this month is definitely the most time that I have been into London compares to the past 4 years since I have been living in the UK. Getting the train at 8am, squeezing into the crowded tube and eye-rolling about the delayed schedule. I am still trying to adjust the daily-basis for a Londoner worker. Wearing heels and blazer, carrying my briefcase walking down the street in London make me feel like a grown-up and actually living as a professional, everything still feels very weird to me.
The department I stayed in this week was “On-site commissioning”, which is doing the last step before sending through the clients. The job is not about building up the hardware and construct the cables, but making sure the networking and signal transferring are working perfectly just like what was been drawn on the schematic. Went into two different sites for different approach of set up this week, one is video conferencing room another is merged displays setup. However, it was not just putting in codes and testing. Both sides I have visited have some networking issue on either ethernet ports or LAN connection. In that case, on-site troubleshooting is very important and sometimes can be tricky because of either access limitation or time restriction that can sometime make it to be a little bit stressful. But got the chance to see the whole project to be build up and get to work properly is pretty cool I think!

這禮拜待的部門是現場測試運作”On-site commissioning“也算是專案在移交給客戶前的最後一個步驟。這份工作不太算是安裝硬體設備跟擺設線路,而是確定網路跟信號傳播是跟在工程圖上一樣完美運作的。我去了兩個不同設計的現場,分別是影像通話會議室跟合併螢幕輸出的案子。這兩個案子在現場都有網路問題,像是連接阜跟LAN的連接失誤。因此即時在現場找出問題源頭跟提供解決方法也很重要,而且因為現場有時候會有出入跟時間限制所以相對的解決也會變得比較棘手跟有壓力。不過在這個部門工作就可以完整地看到專案從圖變成一個真正在運作的系統也是蠻酷的。

This is also the last department I will be shadowing after my first phase of placement, from next week I will be doing a presentation stating what departments that I will be staying for three months. Not to hanging your curiosity too long, the next article will be the overview and the final reveal of my choices! Remember to check out the next article!
Mandy xx