之前我有一篇文是在分享在Surrey先修年的文章(參照: My International Foundation Year in Surrey 我在Surrey大學先修基礎課程 ),這篇則是在分享在那一年拿到獎學金的心得^^

《Scholarship ceremony》01/05/2019
I’m really appreciated for the invitation to the scholarship award ceremony and I won’t feel ashamed to say that I’m really proud of myself. I’m convinced that winning this price is not the end, is the start. I’ll keep moving on and do my best without any hesitation.
Thanks for my lovely teachers, family and friends.
Thanks for everyone, everything that has helped and encouraged me before.
Thanks for everyone, everything that has made me down before.
All these did provide me with motivations to pursue and gain achievements eventually.
Now, I certainly become brave enough to stay calm and figure out feasible solutions when I encounter failures. Staying alone here makes me become a really independent person.
Now, I become brave enough to express my opinions and give out the presentations in front of many audiences.
Now, I can manage to finish my assignments (coursework, essays, lab reports, assessments…)on time not right before the deadline. (I know this is quite basic lol)
Now, I know what I want, what I desire to do and never forget what is my dream.
The first year in the UK offers me a wonderful and useful experience. Therefore, I’m convinced that I’m ready to progress to my undergraduate life.
我真的很感謝受邀至獎學金頒獎典禮, 而且我不會感到羞愧的說我引以為傲。 我深知拿到這個獎學金並不是一個結束而是一個全新的開始。 我會繼續努力繼續加油。
謝謝愛我的老師、家人 、朋友們。
現在的我, 可以再遇到問題的時候保持冷靜,思考對策,解決困難。 一個人在國外待著,我真的變得非常獨立。
現在的我, 知道我想要做什麼, 我非常想要做什麼, 而且我一定不會忘記我的夢想。
在英國的第一年 ,真的受益無窮, 我相信我已經準備好了。
宴會場地 第一次喝香檳
想知道怎麼在foundation year拿獎學金嗎? 想知道的話可以繼續追蹤我每週的(不定時)更新喔!! Do you want to know how to get the scholarship during foundation year? Just simply follow my new posts and surely you will find out^^