As I mentioned in my last article, I am currently working from home to complete my placement year. Today I will simply introduce how my working pattern has changed and how I adapted to this change.
In the beginning of introduce WFH policy before the lockdown, some of our essential workers such as rack build team are still going into the office to complete their jobs. Because of the department I chose, Project Engineering, is part of the design team, as long as we have our laptop with us we can still manage to complete our tasks wherever we are. In that case, the job content doesn’t affect me too much as I am still doing designs using AutoCAD. I will say the only thing I am not quite comfortable with is using dual screen on the tiny desk in my room!
在公司要求大家在家工作跟政府宣佈禁令之前,還是有一些需要到公司上班的施工組員工們繼續前往辦公室工作。而我所在的組別Project Engineering是屬於設計組的原因,只要我們有電腦,其實在哪裡工作對我們來說都沒有太大的差別。所以對我來說工作內容其實沒什麼改變,因為我還是在持續用AutoCAD來完成所有的設計圖跟工作內容。硬要說有任何改變的話應該就是我到現在還是覺得用我房間的小書桌來看兩個螢幕還蠻不方便的哈哈😂
Although the work contents didn’t change at all, the communication between the team and department does change a lot for sure, to keep our social distance even the coffee club has moved to online as well! To make sure everyone is on track with the project and deadline they are doing even though we are all working individual at home, we had a regular Monday meeting with all the project engineering teams together to review what we will be working on throughout the week. It is also a good timing to raise any concerns for the projects or taking any extra workload if some of us have a light week. I would say in some days I could even have more calls compares to actually doing the design itself. But I don’t mind having more calls actually haha because working from home without seeing people in person does slowly drive people crazy😖

Some of you might wondering quite a lot of industry and companies are sending employees home or having serious financial lost across the globe, does it affects you? The answer is luckily no! If some of you still remember, the job that we are doing is to build the AV solution including video conferencing, under the pandemic a lot of organization has realized that they need to update or adjust to remote conferencing for future use to cope any situation like this where we all have to work from home. Therefore our company are still doing alright, still having new jobs coming in, which we don’t need to worry too much at this stage. The only effect to our company is probably the on-site build/construction team, since quite a lot of company are restricted their access policy which might cause the project delivery date to be delay. Due to the policy could be loosen in the future, hopefully everything will slowly go back on track.
That’s pretty much some changes and update for my placement job at the moment, in the next article I will start talking about as a Taiwanese, foreigner here in the UK what kind of supports and concerns we will have. I will see you all next time then!
Mandy xx