Hello everyone! It’s been so long since my last update😅 Sorry for not being active, but I’m actually back on campus since October! Well, which means my final year has just gone past by 7 weeks (also submitted my first assignment already lol). I should really come here earlier at the beginning of the weeks, but I’ll catch up with everyone in today’s article 🙂
嗨大家!距離我上一篇文章有一段時間了吧😅 抱歉我都沒有很認真的更新近況,不過我其實十月就已經回學校了!不過這也代表我的大四也已經過了7個禮拜了(在這期間還交了第一份報告哈哈) 我應該在前幾個禮拜就要來更新的,不過我會在今天的文章和大家一一交代的 🙂
After finished my placement in August, I have got a short break to chill and relax as my summer vacation. Although I was still working on my placement report and didn’t get a chance to travel back home, it was a great time for me to take a break from work. I applied for university accommodation this year and I was lucky enough to get an on-campus room, which I have never experienced before! I always live a distance away from either campus or town so I was pretty excited! I moved in during freshers’ week which it was supposed to have a lot of different activities and social events around usually. However, because of COVID they have changed some indroduction online and set up regulations and rules for face-to-face contact event. Not a fresher myself but I still managed to attend the classic film by the lake event! Instead of letting people sit around on the grass, but this year they set up tables, controlled and record people that get into the venue, which make me feel much safer. Of course, my friends and I were wearing face masks all the time! It was quite a different experience but I don’t mind having table service and bigger space to watch our all-time favourite, Sherk!

Being away from the campus after an entire year, so many things has changed, such as new study/social spaces are built and of course, different signs and rules are everywhere on the campus. University has changed the student service office into a new space called ‘Nest’ for the students to either take a break or study in there. It was super cute even with a comfy sofa and pretty lighting. I have only been there once but it is really relaxing, although it was a little bit crowded during the weekdays I think I will find a weekend to study there with my friends! Another big change is that we all need to book a slot and a seat through the library website in order to control the number of people in the library. Everyone has to wear a mask indoor everywhere on the campus, of course, that applies to the entire UK. So far I can see everyone is following the rules very well by wearing masks into lecture and malls, compares to the time during March/April I think people are more aware with protecting each other and themselves.

Lots of things have changed this year and we are all slowly adapting at the same time, in my next article, I will tell you guys how my current lecture has become so stay tuned😉 I will be updating even more regular from now on!
很多事都變了而大家也都在慢慢的適應這一切,在我的下一篇文章我會跟大家介紹我現在上課的內容跟方式,就請大家慢慢期待囉😉 從現在開始我會更新的更頻繁的!
See y’all next time!
Mandy xx