好久不見!已經兩個禮拜沒上來寫寫文章分享我的校內生活了,現在打起字來都還有一點卡卡的😅 各位應該可以猜到隨著學期一天天的過去,要做的事也越來越多了,像是複習上課內容、做報告、打工,當然還有社交生活。一開始是有一點難調適跟安排我的時間,不過我覺得我已經可以開始慢慢習慣還有找到屬於適合我的節奏了。所以在今天的文章裡,我就和大家分享一下我最近到底在忙什麼啦~
Long time no see! Haven’t been here to write and share about my student life in two weeks, it seems quite unfamiliar for me to type in the texts now😅 As you can see, as the semester going past, there are more and more things coming up at the same time. Including revision, assignment, part-time jobs and of course social life. I did struggle a bit at the beginning to adjust and arrange my time management, but now I think I am slowly find my own pace and getting on with everything. So today, I am gonna just do a little bit update of what I am doing recently.
Actually, I did do something which is related to my ‘student ambassador’ role, that is the calling campaign. Before coming to the UK, I have done some similar part time job during the summer vacation, but I am calling from an after school tutoring school. This is very common in Taiwan when every cram school wants to find as many student as they can and ask them to come for the tutoring. In that case, calling from the cram school is definitely not an interesting job because you will get hang up the phone quite often😥😂 But this time, representing by Surrey is another different story, having a chance to talk to someone in your own language did make me feel like going home. Furthermore, I am always happy to share my own experience to another person just like what I do for the blog~
The weather was terribly cold and freezing last week, I just don’t feel like doing anything because of the cold. Coming to the UK for the third year, I have never experienced such a frozen weather ever, even though I was up north in Leeds before. I was literally in a hibernation mode, I only leave my bed if I really need to, no gym, no revision, no blogging and no socialization. My condition was at the worst level ever, not doing anything and not in a mode. The worst thing is I didn’t even know the reason but just feel depressed😞 I feel like it’s time for me just relax and take a break and adjust from all the things I have been pushed myself to do in the past few months and I think I am slowly moving back to the right track. Being active and dedicated to things is absolutely amazing and great, but sometime we all just need to relax and give ourselves a break. I believed that is the best solution of getting back to the normal or an even better condition☺️
Not gonna lie, the snow is very beautiful and charming❄️❤️
But I still want the summer to be back asap!!!
Mandy xx