Surrey meets Taiwan

An insight into life at Surrey from a current Taiwanese student

英國實習週記:倫敦進城記! 💼 Placement Diary: Off to London!

Hello everyone, haven’t been here for two weeks! How’s everyone doing? To catch up with you guys, this weeks’ article is gonna be a relay challenge, two articles will be release to sum up my first month of placement! Now if you are all ready, come and dive right in with my placement experience😉 嗨大家,大概有兩週沒上來了,次知道大家過得怎樣呢?為了讓大家更快速地知道我的近況,這禮拜會上傳一共兩篇的文章來接力並總結一下我第一階段的實習經驗。那麼如果大家都準備好了的話就跟我一起那麼如果大家都準備好了的話就跟我一起進入我的實習生活吧😉 […]

英國實習週記:部門大公開 💼 Placement Diary: Shadowing

Hello everyone, how’s everyone doing this week? It is time for another update of my placement diary! Last week I have mentioned briefly with the background of the AV industry and some overview with my placement job. Therefore I’ll be introducing each department I have stayed so far, shall we begin then! 大家好!不知道大家這週過得如何呢~又到了每週更新我實習近況的時間了!上禮拜我有大概提到A/V產業的背景產業的背景還有一些對於我實習工作的介紹,那麼這禮拜我就要繼續更詳細的跟大家分享我目前待過的各個部門囉,那麼我麼就開始吧! If you […]

Housing Crisis: Living! 英國找房:居住篇🏠

Hello everyone, it’s the time of the year again! Yes, when we are all suffering with our finals🤪But here I am! Still need to finish this series that I promised before! Last time we have talked about the guarantor for international students and today I will be writing about it with more details. 嗨大家,又到了一年一度大家水深火熱的期末了🤪但是我還是上來把跟大家約定的系列文寫完(兼賺微薄薪水哈哈) 上次我們說到找保證人這件事,今天我就來繼續把這部分寫完還有給大家更多詳細的補充~ […]

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