Surrey meets Taiwan

An insight into life at Surrey from a current Taiwanese student

How to deal with exams? | Tips that you should know in University

不知道大家還記不記得上禮拜我說過我考完試了呢?感覺這是一個很好的機會讓我可以上來跟大家分享我是怎麼準備的還有學校有什麼相對的因應措施,相信這會是很多準大學生在進入大學之前會想要知道的! Remember I have said that I finished my exams last week? Seems like it would be a great opportunity to tell you guys about how I prepared for my exams and how the university can help you with. This could be a good preview of those who haven’t got into the university and would […]

Christmas Special: Winter Wonderland ❄ ❄ ❄

終於考完了!!!!! 有人看到我喜悅的眼淚嗎? 可以回來的感覺真好(還有毫無罪惡感的偷懶哈哈哈) 這個禮拜終於終於終於要介紹Winter Wonderland了(標題放了3個禮拜😂 )俗話說好酒沉甕底嗎,直接進入主題~ Anyone sees my joy? My exams were FINALLY OVER!!!!! It’s so good to be back to do everything without pressure (and guilty of course) This week is F I N A L L Y the Winter Wonderland chapter (which is in the title for three weeks😂 ) saving the […]

Christmas Special: Winter Wonderland ❄ ❄

PART 2 來了!同時期末考週也來了🙃  雖然有讀書的壓力,不過回朔一下美好的記憶也是另一種解放…(應該啦) 所以這次不跟大家問好了,因為我本身就非常的不好哈哈哈,總而言之,讓我們繼續回到倫敦之旅吧👇 Here’s the part two! Meanwhile it is exam period🙃  I feel stressed but having some recap for the great memory is always the best relief…(I guess😅 ) So this time, not gonna ask how’s everyone doing as usual because I AM NOT FINE. Anyways, Let’s go straight to the topic👇 […]

Christmas Special: Winter Wonderland ❄

新年快樂!大家假期都過得還好嗎?這是我第一次留在英國過聖誕節,而且我也留下了很好的回憶:) 依照慣例我又上來跟大家分享了,那麼廢話不多說直接進入主題吧!Gogo~ Happy New Year! How has everyone been during the holiday?  This is the first time that I have stayed in the UK for Christmas and I had an amazing time 🙂 As usual, I am gonna share my holiday with you and I hope you will like it. Let’s get started~ 這次聖誕特輯第一波就是和我的flat mate一起去的倫敦行,真不敢相信從開學到現在我都還沒去倫敦玩,畢竟車程也才一個小時。雖然坐火車只需要花40分鐘就可以到達Waterloo […]

First Live Stream!

各位!我又帶著有趣的故事上來跟你們分享了~社團活動太多了導致我沒辦法在一篇文章裡講完:o 總而言之,這禮拜我要分享的就是另一個我參加的社團主要活動-Stag TV的LUMI的現場直播! I am back again with some interesting stories! Society events are too many, I couldn’t even finish them in one post 😮 Anyways, the other main event that I have participated was LUMI live streaming with Stag TV society, and I will be telling you the details of the event this week! […]

Work hard, play harder

在經過兩個禮拜學業方面的介紹,這個禮拜我們就來看看學校有趣的社團吧!在之前的新生週的介紹我也有提到超級熱鬧的社團博覽會,雖然我花了一段時間才完全走完每個攤位,我還是有找到我喜歡的社團,那就是類似大眾傳播的Stag TV還有我從小到大都沒缺席過的熱舞社Surrey Dance Squad:) After the two weeks introductions about academy and study life, this week we are moving on to the exciting societies! As mentioned before, there was a busy fresher’s fair during the fresher’s week. Although it took me a while to walk around every stand and take a look of each of […]

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