Surrey meets the USA

An insight into life at Surrey from current US students

Getting Involved

Hey, I learned in high school that getting involved is very important. That sounds like advice parents give, but they are right. I after years of dance classes, I joined my high school dance team and they became some of my best friends. Having the connection to people who have the same interests and goals […]

Elementry School, Middle School, High School, Law School?

Great news if you want to study law: there’s no need to waste four years faffing around for four years studying ‘liberal arts’ and the take two more years at $60,000 each to get your law degree, because in England the route to an LLB (Batchelor of Laws) starts right after high school. For the […]

British Perceptions of Americans

Hello Again! British perceptions of Americans are one of my favourite things to appreciate. Most of the knowledge that they have about the Land of the Free and what many Americans claim as the “Best Country in the World” is based off Hollywood…With that in mind, we know that they have a very accurate idea […]

Cheeky Politicans and Election Banter

Not that Nige can’t be a bit cheeky and that there can’t be political banter in England, but the best way to describe the recent British elections on May 7th is probably not through cheek and banter. Instead, think of this as a starting point for all the inevitable political discussion that’ll arise when you’re […]

Cheeky Nandos and Banter

Hey! Recently there has been a craze on twitter and various social medias to define “cheeky nandos”. Apparently an American was wondering what it was and the British have been trying to define the term with little success. It is now my turn, hopefully being an American will help 🙂 Let’s start off by explaining […]

Driving: Part II

Earlier, Holly told you about the daunting prospect of begining to learn to driving in Great Britain, and I’ve been lucky enough to just finish that very same process. The first thing to note about driving here is that the DVLA (That’s the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agencey– think of it like the DMV or […]

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