March Madness

From midterm exams, to coursework deadlines, to AGM’s, to Varsity… and many many more…

I like to call this the time of the March Madness!

Nonetheless, this is exactly what I signed up for when I decided to further my studies… the busy and charged-up life of a student.


Mid-term exams and coursework deadlines are pretty self-explanatory. Both are forms of continuous assessments. This means that learning and lectures do not come to a halt during mid-term period… ….I was shocked too.

They are a means of gauging where you are academically and keep you focused on what exactly you want to achieve at the end of the year. Personally, I have found that I was more prepared for this semester’s mid-terms than I was for the ones in semester one. I guess the few months that I have spent here have allowed me to familiarise myself with Surrey’s testing procedures as well as how to use forethought to prepare for assessments so they do not just appear to spring up out of nowhere mid-semester. One method I tried to integrate into my studies this semester is to have a time-frame of when exactly the assessments are at the back of my mind all the time. This helps me because closer to the test day, I want to have understood each topic I have already covered completely. Revision is much easier then because the concepts are no longer new and strange-looking. That said, it is much easier for some subjects than it is for others, nonetheless, I am continuing to perfect my technique. At the end of the day, isn’t being the perfect student what we strive to become? 😉


AGM’s (Annual General Meeting’s) are usually scheduled for this time of the year as well. This is when a new student committee is voted into the leadership of the sporting and clubbing societies. Usually, these roles span from a President to Treasurer and even Social-Secretaries who many times organize social events to bring the club together outside scheduled club times. Some roles vary within different societies however, they are all similar in that they are a good platform to demonstrate your passion for the society all the while looking good on your CV. Here is a picture from the Karate Society AGM:

out with the old, in with the new. I take on a new role as VP 🙂



Varsity is an annual competition between our university sport societies and our rival university, Royal Holloway. This year, it was held at our very own Surrey Sport’s Park on the 27th and the hype around it was INSANE. I like to believe that it is because it is a fantastic time to display our school-spirit (or university-spirit) best we can, and so even T-shirts are made for that day.

Check this out from Team Surrey:


Finally, this semester breaks off for Easter on the 29th of March. I will be around Guildford for this time and I will be sure to write about cool activities and experiences you can get into as a student… stay tuned 🙂

That’s all for now folks,


