Finding that Work Life Balance

We all know how busy life can be, and how easy it is to fall into the never ending cycle of work. However, as important as Uni and work is, it is JUST AS IMPORTANT to take a break from all the chaos and get some ‘you’ time.

When it comes to studying, it’s not difficult to become overwhelmed and taken over by everything you have to do in order to be prepared. Planning and time management is really important when it comes to this. Try to plan studying 4 hours in the morning from about 9am to 1pm while taking a 5 minute break every hour. An hour lunch break from 1pm-2pm and hit the books again from about 2pm to 6pm, again taking a 5 minute break every hour. Eight hours a day of studying is more than enough! Relaxing the rest of the day after 6pm gives you time to hang out with your family, time to hit the gym, go for a walk and just absorb all of the work you have done for the day.

If there are days where you feel like you just can’t and are on the verge of a mental breakdown, then just take the day off! We are not machines! It could be your body telling you that you need to take a step back and just have some grace with yourself. You’ll probably find it’ll do you a world of good, so LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. But be diligent when taking those off days, don’t fool yourself into ‘needing a day off’ just because you don’t want to do the work.

It’s important not to feel guilty about taking a break. You need it, your mind needs it. There have been so many times where I have reached burnout because I thought I wasn’t working hard enough. I felt extremely guilty for having a long dinner with my family, or hanging out with my mates on a Friday night or even sleeping in for an hour or two. But taking a break cannot be highlighted enough in its importance. Never feel guilty for giving yourself time to recoup and just live life. You were not put on this earth to work yourself to the bone.

So, with that in mind, I’ll see you here same time next week!