How to deal with exams? | Tips that you should know in University


Remember I have said that I finished my exams last week? Seems like it would be a great opportunity to tell you guys about how I prepared for my exams and how the university can help you with. This could be a good preview of those who haven’t got into the university and would like to know about this beforehand!

考試嘛,大家都會擔心害怕,我也會。而且我絕對不是什麼都沒讀去考試還可以拿高分的類型,我也是屬於要卯起來認真讀才有成果的人,不過就像大部分的學生一樣,不到最後一刻不願意面對事實😅 不過我要先聲明,我只有做過這種事一次(當然也是最後一次)然後後悔到有時候只想先掐死自己😂  把事情都留到最後一刻真的是一件非常非常不明智的決定!

It’s exam, everyone panics, so do I. I am definitely not that type of person who can just walk into the exam without any preparation but still get good marks. I put efforts in everything for sure, but like most of the students – leave it till the last minutes😅 . To clarify, I’ve only done this for once (of course it will be the last time) and I regret so much that I just want to kill myself😂 , this is a really really BAD idea to leave everything to the last minutes!

所以呢,考試之前放了聖誕假期,然後我都在耍廢、吃跟玩,應該是過得太輕鬆所以等到要面對現實的時候已經一團亂了。有要交的報告還有要讀的考試範圍,我唯一的想法只有為什麼我要這樣對待自己…? 通常我在拿到報告之後都會儘早開始,這樣我才能沒有壓力的慢慢做然後再至少截止日的前一天繳交。然後這次我花了整整兩天都在做報告因為兩天後就要交了…更糟的是我還有一堆考試範圍要讀!

So as you know, it was Christmas before the exams, all I do was chill, eat and play. That I have relaxed too much so everything becomes a mess when it is time to go back to the reality, there are exams to study and assignments to hand in. I was just like why am I do this to myself…? I usually started to do my assignments as soon as possible and do them slowly without pressure and hand them in at least a day before due date. However this time, I legit just spend whole two days on one assignment just because the due date is two days later… What’s worse is I still need to revise my exams!

所以這就是我把東西都留到最後一秒的下場,拜託各位 做 好 時 間 規 劃!!!  在我開始後悔以前真的應該先做好時間規劃,雖然我在最後一刻有好好規劃然後解決大部分(應該)的事情,這些就是我的小撇步:(啊不過也不要留到最後再來follow啦😏 )


把所有你需要做的事情跟日期清楚地列出來,像是學科 – 考試日期、報告 – 繳交日期,然後把他們照順序排來看看哪個比較緊急。








So this is my last minute situation… Guys… PLEASE DO TIME MANAGEMENT!!! Should have done this earlier before all the mess comes up really, however I did use some time management to finish everything (probably) on time.

Here are my tips: (Don’t leave it till the last minute again tho😏 )

1. List out all your to-do list

List out everything you need to do also with their due dates, such as module – exam date and assignments – due date. After that put them into date order to see which one is more urgent.

2. Consider the amounts of the works and start to arrange your study time table

After putting down how many work you will need to do with their dates, it is important to considered the amounts of works in each to-do point. Because even though the due date is later but the amounts of work is more than the earlier one, you will still probably run out of times when doing it. In that case, you will need to take the amounts in consideration and start to arrange the order in your time table

3. Put reasonable amounts of work in your timetable

When people arrange their time table, they will always put too many works that they expect they could finish. However, most of them cannot really finish their work on time and cause more and more things left to do. Then, the panics start again. Therefore, put down reasonable goals on your time table and do your best to finish them in that day can really follow the process and finish the work on time!

4. Concentrate and just DO IT!

The last but the most difficult one for sure, I know there are so many distractions all around us, especially your phone and all these social medias. Leave it and just do your work, find the best way for you to balance between your work and break. But always remember to put all your efforts on work at one time, this can save amounts of time and speed up your process.

So these are basically the tips that I have done during whenever is coming up to help me finish them on time, these methods might seems vague and common but I believe if you really follow them in your pace, your study habit would change and improve.


If you still want to know more tips about the exams, don’t miss out the blog next week! See ya’ll~

Mandy xx