Hello! Hallo! Molo! Sawubona! Dumela!
Welcome! My name is Isla Henry, and if you haven’t yet been able to tell where I am from, I’m from South Africa. I was born and raised in Johannesburg and have lived all my life there. Until round about a year ago…
I left South Africa on December 2nd 2018, and have been living here in the lovely Surrey ever since. Although it was really tough leaving everything and everyone I knew behind, this was an opportunity my family and I couldn’t pass up. My dad’s work relocated my whole family (my mom, dad and two sisters) to the UK and it just so happened to be at the same time I was to start Uni.
I’m currently in my first year of Biomedical Science here at the University of Surrey in Guildford. I did have the choice between Surrey and Queen Mary’s, but came to chose Surrey not only because my degree was ranked highly at Surrey, but also because of the beautiful environment Surrey holds and the supportive nature of the University.
I am living at home instead of living on campus, as I’m just a 30 minute drive or an hour by train from Uni, so I commute. At the moment I take the train, but I have a driving test coming up, so I’ll hopefully (fingers crossed) be driving to Uni soon!
A few not so interesting facts about myself are: I can speak somewhat 80% Afrikaans, I absolutely love cooking and baking – I’d love to open up a little cafĂ© one day (you now might think I’m in the wrong degree, ha ha, but there are a lot of things I want to do) – I am also very much a body positive activist! I do have a body positive instagram account but me also being a technophobe, I have managed to lock myself out of it. Oops…
Anyways, this is me!
I’ll see you here same time next week!