Hi everyone,
This past weekend was the long awaited ‘Moving-in Weekend’ at the University of Surrey. It is one of our favourite weekends of the whole year as we welcome thousands of new students to the campus from around the world. For most of them they are experiencing university life for the very first time!
‘Moving In Weekend’ as the name suggest only runs for two days Saturday and Sunday. Moving in so many students in a short space of time is quite a challenge, but this year, the University of Surrey adopted some very easy systems to make sure it went smoothly.
When students arrived on campus they were directed to the key collection to get their room keys. On both days, I was assisting as a student ambassador at the key collection areas. From there students either drove or walked to their blocks to take their belongings to their rooms. There were lots of signs around campus which showed them where to go, so that they would not need to worry about getting lost.

There are lots of friendly students and staff on hand to help students move their stuff, including residential peer supporters, court wardens and University security. Most importantly though, there was a team of hundreds of Freshers’ Angels! Freshers’ Angels are student volunteers who are there to greet students with a smiling face and help them carry their belongings to their rooms. The freshers’ angels are unmissable as they are usually adorned in bright yellow t-shirts, and are always happy to answer questions or talk about their university experiences! Here are some pictures of when I volunteered as a Freshers’ Angel only a couple years ago:

For International students especially, there is a ‘Meet and Greet’ service that ensures that students have a friendly face to greet them at the airport when they arrive as well as help them to settle into their accommodation.
Additionally, for students unable to move in during the ‘Moving In Weekend’, it is still possible to collect their keys at a later date to move their belongings to their rooms.
As a student returning to campus having completed a placement year in a different location, I decided to apply for accommodation in university halls. I moved in only a day before the official ‘Moving In Weekend’, in order to fulfil my duties as a student ambassador the very next day.
Hoping and praying that everyone remains safe during this time.
That’s all for now folks,