Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

My suggested essentials for University and dorm life

Hello again everyone! I hope you all are keeping well and safe currently šŸ™‚ As the start date of University is nearing and we are once again approaching move in weekend / Freshers week, I thought that I would share some of my essentials for University life with you. Having been in the position of […]

Deer sighting

Hi everyone! Back on the lockdown seriesā€¦ In Greek mythology, the deer is associated with Artemis, daughter of Zeus and Leto and the Greek goddess of the wilderness. Her symbols included a bow and arrow and the deer, which represents instinct and independence. TheĀ deerĀ is also a symbol of ChineseĀ good luck. Often shown to represent the longing for a healthy life. […]

A Day at the Beach

Hi everyone! Back on the lockdown seriesā€¦ Now that the lockdown rules in the UK have been eased, my friends and I decided to take a road trip to the South Downs National Park. TheĀ South Downs National ParkĀ is a relatively new national park in England. It stretches for over 140 kilometres! All the way from […]

So exams are done… now what?

On the 12th of June, I finished my last exam. From personal experience, It’s safe to say that taking exams online and at home is significantly more difficult than on campus exams. Having to plan around the rest of the family’s schedules, making sure the Wi-Fi is good enough, and keeping the noise levels at […]

A Lesson from Disney

Hi everyone! Back on the lockdown seriesā€¦ Pubs in the UK opened up this week! However, government regulations still maintained that pubs needed some level of caution and so social distancing measures are still in place. In other news, the Surrey Sports Park is also reopening this coming week! And just like the pubs, the […]

Hi, it’s nice to meet you!

Hey! Hi! Hello! My name is Lianri van Schalkwyk and I am one of the South African International Ambassadors here at the University of Surrey. Welcome to the Surrey Meets Africa blog and it’s nice to meet youĀ šŸ™‚.Ā  I was born in Pretoria, spent a couple of years there and then my family and I […]

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