A New Year update from the Employability and Careers Centre

We hope that you all had a lovely break over the Winter Vacation and are geared up and are ready for what 2018 will bring. We’re very excited to tell you about a few changes within the Employability and Careers Centre this year which will ensure a better student experience.

Here are a few updates that we wanted to share.


1.Firstly, let me introduce you to Surrey Pathfinder. This is our brand new online system (exclusive to our students and graduates). This will host all of our careers appointments online, which will mean self-booking for Careers Guidance Interview appointments and Quick Queries. Along with the appointments, you will be able to book onto different events that we host throughout the year. You will also be able to explore job and placement opportunities and experiment with a wealth of interactive development tools to prepare you for upcoming interviews, assessment centres and much more.

The release date of the new system is the 1st February, so it isn’t long for you to wait! Make sure you check your emails, our social media channels and our website for further details about Surrey Pathfinder.

2.We recently welcomed our new student Careers Ambassadors to the centre, who will be working with us on a range of projects from writing guest blog posts throughout the year to promoting events on campus to you.

3.Lastly, we are looking to purchase some new furniture for the centre this year, so you will be greeted with a new look and feel to the centre during the year. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see in the centre, you can let us know via email careers@surrey.ac.uk


We wish you all of the luck for your upcoming exams this month and please remember that if you have any worries about upcoming interviews, placements or careers in general, please feel free to pop in and have a chat with us.

Don’t forget you can keep up to date with all things careers via our social media channels.

Facebook & Twitter

From everyone at the Employability and Careers Centre, we wish you all the best for 2018 and look forward to welcoming you into the service soon.