Introducing the Employability Award

Employability Award logo

Calling all first and second year students! This year the Employability and Careers Centre is launching a new and exciting award scheme. The Employability Award is designed to help you enhance your employability skills, giving you a real advantage when applying for future internships, placements and graduate roles.  Employers are seeking students/graduates who can articulate their skills clearly; the Award framework will give you the chance to practise reflecting on your experiences, providing evidence that will ensure you stand out.

The first 50 students to register and book to attend the introductory session will receive a free The North Face rucksack! So, read on…

Why engage with the Employability Award?

  • You can gain recognition for extra-curricular activities, such as part-time work, volunteering, sport or involvement in societies.
  • You’ll develop confidence by enhancing your employability and reflecting on your personal development.
  • Meeting new people though engaging in different activities will broaden your professional network.
  • The Award will be added to your Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR).
  • As well developing new skills on the Award, the Interests/Personal Achievement module will ensure that you have fun along the way!

What’s involved?

In order to complete the Employability Award, you will need to attend an Introductory session, work your way through online modules accessed through Surrey Pathfinder, produce a final reflective piece, and attend a Peer Review workshop at the end. The majority of the Award will be self-managed by you online.  The Award modules are easy to navigate, and will involve you uploading evidence as you progress – this could include getting a verification form signed, or uploading a selfie of you attending a workshop or engaging in an activity.

The core modules (Modules One and Two) involve gaining 40 hours of work-related activity and 40 hours of interest/personal achievement activity. You may already have a part-time job or be involved in a sports club or society.  Or perhaps you have caring responsibilities at home, or have taken on a position of responsibility at university, such as a Student Ambassador or Student Life Mentor role?  All of these experiences can count, so you may find that you don’t have to take on much additional activity to provide evidence.

You will also be required to fine tune your professional profile and undertake some tasks to develop your employability skills – activities that are good practice for all students!

2018/2019 Pilot

This year is a pilot for the Award so you’ll have a unique opportunity to take part and give your feedback. We are really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions, which will help to shape the Award programme for the future.  In return for your feedback, we’ll provide lots of support.  Students will need to complete the Award by the end of May, ready to attend a celebratory event in June.  We’re hoping you’ll have such a positive experience you’ll want to help us promote the Award for future year groups!

There are limited spaces available on the Pilot, so to find out more and register your interest, please visit:

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the start of your Award journey.