I’m Nadia, an English Literature student at the University. At the beginning of last year, I embarked on a six-month marketing internship at The LEGO Group™.
Undertaking a work placement during my third year was a (very) last-minute decision, yet has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Why my placement plans changed
Initially, I had intended to carry out a split-study-abroad year, spending six-months at the University of Stockholm in Sweden, and then six-months at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg in Germany.
But when the University of Stockholm informed me that they were unable to provide me with accommodation a month before I was due to leave, my fantasies of becoming a mini-Joanna Lumley, trotting around the Globe, very quickly came to a halt.
Adamant not to give up on the prospect of completing a placement year, I decided to look for a six-month work placement to fill the gap. One small issue: I had just over a month to do this.
How I searched for a six-month placement
Job-hunting sites, such as Indeed and Creative Access, became my new best friends. I spent everyday trawling through pages of job opportunities, keying in a sequence of the phrases ‘six-month’, ‘internship’, and ‘placement’ in the hope that something might appear.
After sending off at least fifty tailored and personalised CVs and cover letters, and hearing back from a grand total of zero, I was starting to feel demoralised and burnt out.
With only three weeks left until 31st August (the deadline for finding a work placement) I refreshed the job search page on Indeed for the millionth time.
Placement breakthrough!
A new banner: ‘The LEGO Group UK/I Marketing Internship’ sat at the top of the screen.
Hmm, ok, this looks interesting. I clicked on the listing and read through the description to see if it matched up to my criteria:
- ‘Six-month marketing internship’, tick.
- ‘Open to undergraduates’, double tick.
- ‘Paid’, tick, tick, tick.
I immediately began adapting my CV towards the role and crafted a new cover letter. Three weeks, an interview, and a presentation later, I received a call on 31st August from LEGO letting me know that I had got the job.

What I achieved in my six months at The LEGO Group™
The next six-months were a complete whirlwind. I supported and led my own marketing campaigns, attended movie premieres, got to work with some of the world’s best marketing agencies and most popular brands, as well as play with a lot of LEGO.
I have never felt more intellectually stimulated and challenged, and I am still in awe at how much I was able to learn within such a short period of time. Leaving was bittersweet. In many ways, I felt as if I had only just got to grips with my role.
The next six months studying abroad
I was beyond excited to move to Germany for my study-abroad semester. Indeed, my time in Bamberg was a formative experience and provided an appreciated break from the intensity of working full-time.
The opportunity to live in such an international environment, learn a new language, and meet so many incredible people is one I’m glad I didn’t pass up on.
And finally . . .
In undertaking both a work and study-abroad placement, I gained a much wider spectrum of skills and experiences than if I had undertaken only one. Without doubt, my placement year has left me much more confident and equipped for life post-graduation.