I am Victoria and I am a final year Hospitality and Tourism student. Last year I studied abroad for half a year and then completed a work placement for the remainder of the academic year.
I remember not knowing where to start looking for my placement and for that reason I am about to go through some pointers which can help you when choosing and planning your placement year.
Finding a company you’d like to work for
Whether you are planning on doing a full-year placement or a six-month one, the most challenging part will be finding a company and a position that you are interested in.
There are a lot of companies looking for students they can train up, as believe it or not we are the future of the industries!
Researching on company websites
Browsing through companies’ websites to have an idea of which company type I would like to work for helped me. Most companies have a careers section where you can find all the job opportunities they have to offer.
Even though some may not be offering placement opportunities I would suggest emailing the company and enquiring. This will show your interest in the company and your eagerness to work for them which many companies appreciate.
Find job sites suitable for your industry
Alternatively, job sites are also very helpful. For hospitality, there is a job site called Hosco where you can find thousands of job opportunities all around the world.
Perseverance is key when applying for placements
Never give up! Perseverance is very important throughout this process as it is very easy to give up when things don’t work out the first time.
Just keep looking for opportunities and keep your mind open, as you may find the perfect placement in places you would have never imagined.
What I gained from my study and work abroad placement year
This past year has taught me so many things! Studying abroad has allowed me to experience studying in a different country and discover new cultures and traditions.
Similarly, my placement allowed me to put into practice everything I learned at university allowing me to broaden my knowledge within the hospitality and tourism industry. I was taught by industry professionals and worked with extraordinary people!
If I had the chance, I would repeat this experience without a doubt!
I have grown on both a personal and professional level from my placement year and I could not be more grateful for having taken this opportunity. Take the chance and do it, you will not regret it!