



Now due to the global pandemic, the uni already moved all classes and meetings online, and also coordinate with the local community very actively to cope with the outbreak. Now let’s check it out!

在校园里,每个公共设施都会张贴告示告知人们所应才采取的必须措施,比如:勤洗手、避免公众聚集、尽量呆在家里等等。为了服务仍然留在校内的学生,学校的Simply fresh便利店里仍然营业并且提供基本的食品和用具供应,但是为了最大程度避免交叉感染情况发生,同一时间仅允许两人进入;在每一处教学楼的出入口处,都会有消毒液提供来供大家清洁手部;在城镇的每一个购物中心和超市,都设置了安全距离,排队进入,这次是真正的‘距离产生美’

On campus, the uni put up the notice in each entrance of teaching blocks, which inform us of some necessary measures to avoid the infection, such as staying at home, wash your hand often, and the avoidance of gathering. The simply fresh convenience store is still opening in an attempt to serve the needs of international students who are currently ‘stuck’ on the campus. To avoid cross-infection, they only allow two persons to enter the store at the same time and the certain distance between one another is needed. You can see that disinfection gels are available in each building.

Now there are still many shopping malls and superstores opening in town, this is the big Tesco and you can see very clearly that all the apparent distance lines have been set well to separate people. So basically everything is running pretty smoothly to cope with this epidemic outbreak.

对于我来说,日复一日在自己的房间内从事学习和研究看起来有些枯燥,但我还在很努力的去适应这种状态并努力提升效率。为了让每个研究员和老师能够经常保持沟通,我们学院每周进行一次online virtual coffee break,给枯燥的居家生活增添了一些乐趣同时也让大家保持经常性的联系,及时的沟通想法、思路以及观点。






For me, staying at home every day to do my own research seems boring, but I’m trying to adapt to this situation and increase my productivity. Our faculty is organizing an online virtual coffee break via the zoom weekly basis, which brings a lot of fun in our life and also helps us to maintain regular contact with each other, to communicate and exchange different ideas.

I’m the type of person that really enjoys the fitness and I normally went to the gym at least 3 times a week before. Now the gym has been shut down, but I still will spare some to do workouts by using exercise facilities in the uni.



With the spreading of the virus, people’s understanding toward epidemic is deepening and know more about how to regulate their own behaviors to deal with it. We’ll be standing in solidarity to ride out this difficult time, this is the first step toward our final victory.