探索萨里:纽兰兹角徒步 Explore Surrey: Hiking in Newlands Corner

如果你喜欢高低起伏的徒步路线,那么North Downs path – Pewley Down – Merrow Downs – Newlands Corner,由西往东,连绵不绝,我亲身走过好几次,这条线路再合适不过了。

Newlands Corner属于萨里山的一部分,由Albury Estate负责运营管理,这里的公共通行则是由萨里郡治委员会负责管理。在这个美丽的地方你可以充分放松身心,欣赏萨利丘陵迷人的山色。Newlands Corner距离吉尔福德镇中心大概十五分钟的车程,很容易到达,所以这里也成为了另一个小镇人民经常光顾的周末观光休闲胜地。在这里,人们远离城区的喧嚣,畅享着清新的空气。这里有规划维护良好的人行步道或骑行道供人们游玩,当你累了,可以随处躺在这如画廊般的环境中,非常惬意。

Newlands Corner is part of Surrey hill, where is a stunning place to chill out and relax. This reserve is privately owned by the Albury Estate. Public access is managed by Surrey County Council.  From here you can outlook the view over the amazing Surrey hills. Newlands corner located at roughly 10 mins drive from the town, where’s a real place you can escape from the bustling busy life and take a breath of some fresh air. The well-maintained pedestrian and cycling paths can make you fully enjoy a lovely visit or just laying on the grass when you have a rest.

经由North Downs Way和Pilgrims Way Circular Walk的Newlands Corner和Chantry Wood环形步道位于英格兰萨里郡吉尔福德附近,全长11.4公里。这里的山坡起伏柔缓,没有陡坡,许多山坡遍布美丽的野花,同时物种丰富,不同种类的鸟在此栖息,悦耳的鸟鸣此起彼伏,为游玩增添了不少乐趣,这里基本适合所有年龄段和户外兴趣爱好的人们到此休憩,因此这条环形步道主要适用于远足,徒步,自然旅行和观鸟。

Newlands Corner and Chantry Wood via North Downs Way and Pilgrims Way Circular Walk is a 11.4 kilometer loop trail located near Guildford, Surrey, England that features beautiful wild flowers and is good for all skill levels. Basically, there are no steep slopes here and many places are covered by stunning wild flowers. In addition to this, Newlands Corner is also the home of a huge variety of wildlife, especially birds with melodious birds sing, which together add more fun to the trip. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, nature trips, and bird watching.

纽兰兹角Newlands Corner是萨里山自然自然风景区Surrey Hill AONB的核心。纽兰兹角Newlands Corner具体坐落于北山North Downs的白垩山脊上,海拔仅有170m,坡度十分低缓,从这里可以远观到横跨Weald到南部丘陵国家公园South Downs National Park山脊的优美山色。纽兰兹角有停车场,位于的斜坡下方的奥尔伯里Albury。

Newlands Corner is at the heart of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Newlands Corner lies on the chalk ridge of the North Downs at a height of over 170m, which gives glorious views across the Weald to the ridge of the South Downs. Below the slope from Newlands car park lies the village of Albury. It’s a popular spot for dog walking, cycling, horse riding and family wandering, so you’ll rarely be alone here. However, the broad expanses of open chalk downland and mixed woodland offer plenty of opportunities to lose yourself in nature. 


The mighty oaks and ancient yews shelter roe deer and are home to green woodpeckers, nuthatches and tawny owls. In spring and summer, the chalk grassland is a spectacular carpet of wild flowers. In the past the grasslands were grazed, and nowadays they are mown once a year after the plants have set seed.