探索萨里:Hankley Common

这一期的博客,我还是继续带大家来看萨里山景区Surrey Hill AONB里的另一处景点Hankley Common高地。基本上在靠近吉尔福德的景区内,相比于徒步,我还是更喜欢骑行。萨里山地区连绵起伏的丘陵和多种类型的骑行道可以让你自由穿梭徜徉在山野林地中,随时停车看风景,随时享受爬坡对身体机能的锻炼。当然,山地自行车对地形的要求相对低一些,你可以到达更多想去的地方,我的自行车就是一辆“久经沙场”的山地自行车。而如果你喜欢公路自行车,萨里山风景区也是个非常理想的骑行场所,这里有专门为骑行爱好者修建的自行车道,连接西南萨里的80多公里(50英里)的乡间小路,B级道路和城镇道路的网络。整个区域共有五条相互连接的越野路线,为我们探索这个美丽地区的最佳选择提供了多样化的选择,去探索优美的景色,开阔的荒地,尘封的历史,以及丰富的野生动植物,如果你喜欢,甚至可以随时停下寻访当地一流的酒吧和咖啡馆。

In this blog, I still take you to see the Hankley Common, another fantastic travel attraction in Surrey Hill AONB. Basically, within all the scenic area around Guildford, I still prefer cycling rather than hiking. The rolling hills and various types of biking trails in the Surry hills area allow you to freely wander through the rolling hills and forests, stop at any time to behold the scenery, and enjoy the exercise of hills climbing at any time. Of course, mountain bikes have relatively low terrain requirements, and you can reach more places you want to go. And my bike is a perfect “field-tested” mountain bike. However, if you only have the road bicycle, no worry, road-only cycling is also the ideal way to see and experience the Surrey Hills AONB, get active and improve fitness. Cycle Surrey Hills is a network connecting over 80km (50 miles) of byways, bridleways and quiet road routes in South West Surrey. There are five interlinking off-road routes providing a variety of options to explore the very best of this beautiful area. Discover spectacular views, open heathland, fascinating history, an abundance of wildlife, if you interested you can even visit great local pubs and cafés in the middle of your journey.

Hankley Common是一个坐落在萨里郡西南艾尔斯特德Elstead的自然保护区,面积大约560公顷(1,400英亩)。查阅资料后,令我惊讶的是它既不归国家信托基金National Trust,也不归其他任何基金会管理,它实际上归国防部所拥有。该地点是瑟斯利Thursley,汉克利Hankley和弗恩舍姆Frensham Commons三地所辖的公共特别保护区,也是特别科学研究站点的一部分。


Hankley Common is a 560-hectare (1,400 acre) nature reserve and filming location in the south-west of Elstead in Surrey. After looked up some relevant materials, I was really shocked that this piece of land is not owned by National Trust, or managed by any other form of public trust, it’s actually owned by the Ministry of Defence. The site covers the Thursley, Hankley and Frensham Commons Special Area of Conservation, Special Protection Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest.

The site has woodland and lowland heath with heather and gorse. Birds include nightjars and Dartford warblers and there are other fauna such as adders and common lizards. The access of this area is subject to the schedules of the military training, with frequent training exercises and multiple buildings present.



让我对这块地方着迷的一个重要原因就是这里是许多电影场景的拍摄取景地。Hankley Common的经典高地背景已经在各种大片中使用,甚至包括一些著名的像詹姆斯·邦德James Bond系列电影。剧中情节是詹姆斯·邦德James Bond被直升机袭击的一个追逐场面,情节设定他们是在穿越的韩国非军事区。同样的地方也被用于詹姆斯·邦德祖先苏格兰宅邸的坠落场景和与朱迪·丹奇的一个著名的的教堂场景中.

距离现在不久的2019年,漫威影业Marvel Studios超级英雄电影《黑寡妇》Black Widow的就将此处作为拍摄地之一。当时,一架直升机残骸和几座临时建筑物被设置为场景的一部分。其中,场景描绘了多车追逐,直升机坠毁,掩体和被毁建筑物。

马修·沃恩Matthew Vaughan的《国王的男人》 King’s Man的拍摄于2019年初中旬。 2019年4月,反映一战中法国前线的战争史诗片《1917》也在这有很多取景拍摄。

The scenes of films and TV series

One of the most fantastic factor of here attract me is, Hankley Common is the place that many famous films and TV series have been shot. The backdrop of Hankley Common highland has been used in various blockbusters including some of the famous James Bond movies. The sets depicted a pier in the Caspian Sea where James Bond was attacked by a helicopter saw, a chase scene through the Korean Demilitarized Zone on hovercraft. It was also used in Skyfall as the site of James Bond’s ancestral Scottish mansion and the infamous Church scene with Judi Dench。

Last year, 2019, it was also the location for the Marvel Studios superhero film Black Widow, whereby a wreckage of a helicopter and several temporary buildings were set up to form part of the set. Among others, scenes depicted a multi-vehicle car chase, helicopter crash, bunker and destroyed buildings.

Filming began on the Common in early-mid 2019 for Matthew Vaughan’s The King’s Man. In April 2019, filming began for the was war epic 1917 as a French frontline battle ground in World War 1.


For those cycling and hiking lovers, once you been here you will realize why Hankley Common is a favourite place for filmmakers, it is also a fantastic spot for ramblers, with plenty of wonderful walking trails available. The huge area of heathland and pine woodland is home to lots of wildlife including nightjars, Dartford warblers, adders and common lizards.

Hankley Common附近还有雕塑公园The Sculpture Park,魔鬼跳台The Devil’s Jumps和弗伦森姆池塘Frensham Ponds。如果环绕Hankley Common步行一圈大约需要两个小时,骑车加上停靠休息的时间一起大约40分钟左右。不过,景区很大,里面有很多分支路径和一些下属的公共自然地,如果你都想参观,意味着你需要花费更长的时间来游览观光。

It is a superb place to go exploring with some of south west Surrey’s top walking spots also close by including The Sculpture Park, The Devil’s Jumps and Frensham Ponds. A circular walk of the main common should take about an hour, however the number of offshoot paths and side commons means you could spend much longer enjoying the area.

站在高地顶端,感觉和我之前博客提到的Heith Hill一样,几乎整个萨里郡的风景一览无余,是观光摄影爱好者的理想之地。


On top of the highland, you’ll enjoy the similar feeling like the Heith Hill that I mentioned in previous blog. There are stunning views over the Surrey landscape and it’s a great spot to take your camera. The Hankley Common is basically a very wild and non-attempted area so there are limited facilities on site and no toilets, but there are a number of cosy, village pubs close by serving traditional country pub food.




Famous Atlantic Wall reconstruction

When wandering in the Hankley Common you might be able to see some abandoned military facilities, including bunkers series, the ground bunker and tank obstacles. D-Day training sites were created in southern Britain in order to practise for D-Day landing and breakthrough operation, which is the attack mission on Normandy of Northern France by allied forces in 1944.

In 1943, in an area of the Common known as the Lion’s Mouth, Canadian troops constructed a replica of a section of the Atlantic Wall. It is constructed from reinforced concrete and was used as a major training aid to develop and practise techniques to breach the German Nazi army defences of the French coast prior to the D-Day landings.

Over the years the wall has become colonised by alkaline-loving lichens, mosses, ferns and other plants because the concrete provides the lime-based substrate that these species require and which is found nowhere else in the locality. They present an unusual range of plants to be found in an expanse of acid heathland.