萨里大学拥有一座设计前卫和设备先进的图书馆,这座图书馆位于Stag Hill Campus的George Edwards Building。萨里大学的图书馆拥有数万本不同语言的实体图书、电子图书、DVD/CD和档案资源,所有萨里大学的工作人员和学生都可以无限量地在这里访问或者借阅这些资源。
George Edwards (Sir George Robert Freeman Edwards OM CBE FREng FRS DL (9 July 1908 – 2 March 2003)) 是一名优秀的英国飞行器设计师,他在航天领域取得了杰出的成就,包括主导和参与了著名的协和客机项目。他的整个晚年都是在吉尔福德度过,并最终在吉尔福德去世。在他去世后,萨里大学决定以他的名字来命名图书馆所在的这栋建筑,用以表彰和纪念他生前为英国乃至全人类的航天事业所做的贡献。
然而,George Edwards Building 并不只是图书馆,这栋大楼的另一个名字也被称为“学习与学术服务中心”,这充分诠释了图书馆为萨里大学学生提供的丰富、多样和充足的服务。除了最基本的图书馆的图书借阅、学习资源和学习空间,我们具体来看看这些服务都包括什么:
【Academic Hives】
Academic Hives在学校三个不同的位置提供服务。从最初的技术性支持,包括访问课程表和虚拟学习平台(VLP),到指导学生选课或者暂时/永久地放弃某一门课程,或是更进一步的寻找placement,以及更加关键性和情有可原情况申请与学术不端听证会支持,Hives的工作人员都随时准备着为学生提供专业和周到的服务。通过访问他们的网站,我们还可以获得更多信息:https://study.surrey.ac.uk/study-support/academic-hives

【Academic Skills and Development】
Academic Skills and Development Team则提供具体学术能力的培养项目或是workshops,比如如何提高批判性思维能力,如果写作文献综述,或是更加一般性的如何提高复习能力和学习技巧,这个团队都随时可以为学生提供支持。考虑到不同学生的个体差异,他们提供了一对一的drop-in服务,也提供邮件查询服务。笔者曾经参与过他们的关于写作技巧的workshop,时长大约是一小时,不仅完全免费,而且授课的老师非常热心和细致,讲的内容也是干货满满,非常有参考和实用价值。他们的网站上有更详细的信息:https://study.surrey.ac.uk/study-support/academic-skills-and-development

【Maths and statistics advice】

【Disability and neurodiversity】
作为一个强调多元、尊重和包容的社区,萨里大学也充分考虑到不同学生的个体差异,Disability and neurodiversity就是一个处理个体差异导致的学习能力或需求不同的专门部门。如果因为disability or neurodiversity的因素而要求对考试流程、标准或条件进行一些特殊调整与设计,或者根据The Equality Act (2010)规定的情况需要特殊的学术支持,这一部门都会积极提供帮助。他们的网站也提供了更多的介绍:https://study.surrey.ac.uk/study-support/disability-and-neurodiversity

“支持”是我在萨里求学过程中听到的最多的一个词,学校的所有部门都在尊重我们的个体需求、差异和特点的基础上,努力为我们提供多样化的、丰富的和足够的支持。欢迎大家来到萨里大学,也欢迎大家和我们一起探索George Edwards Building!
The University of Surrey boasts a state-of-the-art library characterized by its avant-garde design and advanced facilities, situated within the George Edwards Building on Stag Hill Campus. This library is home to tens of thousands of physical books, e-books, DVDs/CDs, and archival resources in various languages, all of which are available for unlimited access and borrowing by all staff and students of the University of Surrey.
Far beyond merely providing learning resources, the library also offers spaces for study, academic materials, and services to support our academic life. Exceptionally, our library is open 24/7 throughout the year, with the only closure occurring briefly during the Christmas holiday period, a rare privilege across the UK.
Sir George Robert Freeman Edwards OM CBE FREng FRS DL (9 July 1908 – 2 March 2003) was a distinguished British aircraft designer who achieved remarkable accomplishments in the field of aeronautics, including his leading role in the famous Concorde airliner project. Spending his latter years in Guildford, where he also passed away, the University of Surrey named the building housing the library after him posthumously, in recognition and memory of his contributions to the aerospace industry both in the UK and globally.
However, the George Edwards Building is more than just a library; it’s also known as the “Learning and Academic Services Centre,” reflecting the library’s provision of a rich, varied, and ample range of services to students at the University of Surrey. Beyond basic library borrowing, learning resources, and study spaces, let’s delve into what these services include:
Academic Hives offer services at three different locations within the school, ranging from initial technical support, including access to timetables and the Virtual Learning Platform (VLP), to guiding students in course selection or temporary/permanent course withdrawal, seeking placements, and even providing critical and compassionate support for academic misconduct hearings. Their website offers more information: Academic Hives.
Academic Skills and Development Team delivers specific programs or workshops to enhance academic abilities, such as improving critical thinking skills, writing literature reviews, or more general study and revision techniques. Catering to individual student needs, they offer one-on-one drop-in services and email queries. I once attended a workshop on writing skills, which was about an hour long, completely free, and very informative, thanks to the enthusiastic and meticulous instructors. More detailed information is available on their website: Academic Skills and Development.
Maths and Statistics Advice is crucial for both international and local students, irrespective of their field of study. The university employs a team with extensive teaching and advising experience in mathematics or statistics to provide support throughout the term. Students are encouraged to approach them in the library with specific queries (e.g., how to conduct stratified regression analysis using SPSS) or data samples for assistance without needing an appointment. Their services are detailed at Maths and Statistics Advice.
Disability and Neurodiversity section underscores the university’s commitment to diversity, respect, and inclusion by addressing individual learning capabilities or needs arising from disabilities or neurodiversity. Whether it involves special adjustments to exam processes, standards, conditions, or academic support mandated by The Equality Act (2010), this department actively offers its assistance. More information can be found on their website: Disability and Neurodiversity.
“Support” is the word I hear most frequently in my studies at Surrey, as every department strives to respect our individual needs, differences, and characteristics, offering a diverse, rich, and sufficient level of support. Welcome to the University of Surrey, and let’s explore the George Edwards Building together!