Surrey meets China

China Student Ambassadors – Haiying, Jiali and Qiancheng

第一次校园直播The first Surrey live broadcast-campus tour

在上周周末,在Matt和中国区负责人Abby, Nancy的协调下,我们萨里大学中国市场推广小组和合作机构澳际留学合作在斗鱼平台上进行了我们的第一场校园直播活动,带领屏幕前未来的萨里大学学生们熟悉了解了校园的每一个角落。整体来说,我们的直播工作,校园环境,软体建设,社区文化等得到了同学们的一致好评。不少同学甚至标志,如果不是疫情导致的航班管控,真的想现在就买机票飞到英国,来到萨里大学! On the last weekend, under the coordination of Matt and our China-based representatives Abby and Nancy, the Chinese marketing team of the University of Surrey conjointly held our first campus live broadcast event with our crucial partner – Aoji Study Abroad agency on the Douyu live stream platform. In front of the screen, […]

探索萨里:Polesden Lacey

住在萨里郡一个巨大的好处就是,这里距离英国的权力中枢 – 伦敦很近,几百年来,大量的官宦贵族人家在这里购买田产物业,给世人留下了一座座美丽的庄园和充满文化精品的艺术展览馆。除了之前记叙过的洛斯利庄园Losely Park,这次我带大家来探寻另一处距离吉尔福德很近的有着皇室足迹的庄园Polesden Lacey。 A huge advantage of living in Surrey is that it is very close to the British power center-London. For hundreds of years, a large number of official and noble families have bought farm properties here, leaving the world with beautiful estates, which are full of cultural fine art exhibition hall. […]

探索萨里: RHS Garden Wisley

记得我在2017年初次来到英国时,便着迷于这里整洁精致的社区街道和富有人文艺术气息的街边装饰。再当深入英国社区时,又被许多人家房前精致的花园所吸引,精致的造像、修建平整的草地、考究的砖石铺砌和错落有致的植物花卉,都让我深深着迷,感叹英国人对花园的情有独钟和其所体现的考究的生活方式。 I remember when I first came to the UK in 2017, I was fascinated by the neat and exquisite community streets and the street decorations with rich cultural and artistic atmosphere. When I went deep into the British community, I was attracted by the exquisite garden in front of ma你也private houses. The exquisite statues, flat […]

探索萨里: 诺伯里郊野公园 Norbury Park

和利斯山Leith hill一样,诺伯里山Norbury Park同样位于萨里山自然风景区Surrey Hill AONB。这里有着规划铺砌完备的各种徒步与骑行小道引导你穿越丘陵、林地、种植园和畜牧草地。从学校所在的Guildford乘坐火车,经过大约20分钟到达Dorking然后沿主路向北步行不到25分钟即可抵达西桑伯Westhumble,这一段路程相当平坦,然后从Westhumble向北望去开始则能够明显可以看到地形的抬升,Norbury Park基本上就是把这一整块凸起的地理范围圈起来,进行环境保护和开放式公园建设,目前也是由国家信托基金National Trust来维护管理。 Like the Leith hill, Norbury Park is also located within Surrey Hill AONB. There are a variety of well-planned hiking and cycling trails to guide you through the hills, woodlands, plantations and pastures. Take the train from Guildford where our university is located, after about 20 minutes to […]

探索萨里:Onslow Village

在疫情封城前,学校体育中心Sports Park里的健身房,是我每周要定期打卡三到四次的地方,进行适度的肌肉锻炼以保证身体素质和精神状态。健身房坐落于学校Manor Park校区,距离我们学习居住的主校区Stag Hill campus有一定距离,在每次健身结束,我都会沿着sports park所在的山坡走上去从南部高地绕回Stag Hill校区,因为这里地势较高,从这里走可以有机会俯瞰到整个Guildford地区和萨里郡大部,穿过安静祥和而优雅美丽的Onslow village社区,让人心情愉悦。整体来说,manor park整个东南方向的坡地上基本都可以被划入到Onslow village的范畴,这里临近萨里郡北山小径North Downs path,是一个自然保护区、轮作农地和居民区和谐共生的地方。Onslow village环境优美,这里有很值得探索的地方,包括植物园Onslow ArBoretum, 运动场Onslow playground,甚至还有一个由外国人开办的中国咏春拳武术馆,叫做Kamon Wing Chun Guildford。 Before the global epidemic Covid-19 lockdown, the gym in university’s Sports Park was the place where I regularly went three or four times a week to do some free-weight exercises or cardios to ensure my physical […]

探索萨里:利斯山Leith Hill

Leith hill可以说萨里山风景区的精华了,这里有着萨里山自然风景区最高海拔的小山头,虽然只有200多米多高,但也足以让你登顶包揽周边风景,将萨里郡的百里风物尽数囊如眼帘。这里有着规划铺砌完备的各种徒步与骑行小道穿越丘陵和林地。从学校所在的Guildford乘坐火车,经过大约20分钟到达Dorking然后换乘向南驶去的列车向南行驶大约15分钟,在Holmwood Corner下车就可以抵达Leith Hill地区了,非常便利。 围绕Leith Hill的一圈徒步路程大约有20多公里,这段路程起起伏伏,经过林地、草地、湿地沼泽和零零散散的村庄,总共大约花了我们4个多小时。天气不错,一直有太阳,我们沿规划路径的逆时针方向走,在最初的10公里部分感觉一直是在上山,爬坡上坎,非常考验体能,不得不说是比较有挑战性的徒步路线之一,穿过树林和田野,山峦起伏,还会途径不少池塘和溪流。有的路段非常泥泞需要多花些时间跋涉,有的路相对干燥平整些,方便快速通过。总体来说,我很喜欢这条徒步小径,享受着途径跋涉各种地形和登顶后欣赏周遭优美的景色。当到达Leith Hill的山顶时,我手机上的健康app说我已经相当于爬了100多层楼的高度! This 20km walk took us roughly 4 hours. The sun was out all the way and we went anti clockwise and for most of the first 10km, the whole process it felt like mostly was up hill. I have to say this was one of the most challenging walks that I’ve seen in UK. This path led me through woods, […]

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