Surrey meets China

China Student Ambassadors – Haiying, Jiali and Qiancheng

探寻英国宗教文化之门:坎特伯雷 Explore the religious gate of UK – Canterbury

八月中旬的南英格兰,有几天非常炎热,没有装备空调的室内仿佛蒸笼一般,所以我决定去东南肯特郡的海边去游览历史文化名城坎特伯雷(基督教进入英伦三岛的起点)和英国距离欧洲大陆最近的一座海港城-多弗尔,去探索这两座分别为宗教文化上与地理上的英国之门,领略浓郁的近海风情。从中学的历史与文学课本上,我最初对于英国文学与语言的了解就来自于《坎特伯雷故事集》,它被广泛认为是现代通俗英语定型的标志,里面的一些诙谐而又通俗易懂的故事展现了一幅宽广的社会生活图景,从小就让我对这里充满了好奇与兴趣。所以在计划这次短途旅行前我并没有多想,直接就把这里作为我的目的地。 In mid-August, South England was very hot for a few days. The room without air conditioning was like a steamer, so I decided to go to the Southeast Kent to visit the historical and cultural city of Canterbury (the starting point for Christianity to enter the British Isles), explore the British religious and cultural […]

英国最重要的海港城-多弗尔Dover; The most important port city in the UK- Dover

在结束坎特伯雷的旅行后,我继续乘坐近一个小时的火车到达了英国最东南的海港城-多弗尔Dover。这里最吸引我的便是连绵不绝的白崖,山崖上的城堡,以及联通英国和欧洲大陆的海港。很可惜由于时间缘故,在我来到多弗尔时,城堡的关闭时间将到,所以我只能沿着海滨大道走上白崖,欣赏迷人的海港风情。 After the trip to Canterbury, I continued to take the train for nearly an hour to Dover, the most southeast harbor city in the UK. What attracts me most here are the endless white cliffs, the castles on the cliffs, and the harbor that connects Britain and the European continent. It is a pity […]

迷人的滨海布莱顿 The charming Brighton

布莱顿位于英格兰南部海岸,距离萨里郡很近,从吉尔福德出发,需要在多尔金Dorking和红山镇Redhill分别换乘,总共需要大概2个小时就可抵达布莱顿火车站。来到萨里大学求学,如果你想领略南部迷人的海洋,布莱顿一定是你的最佳目的地。布莱顿拥有平直漫长的海岸线,充满迷人的海洋风情,是个活力多彩,富有创意的海滨城市,温暖的春夏季节是布莱顿绽放光彩的时节,但今年由于疫情缘故,封城让很多活动都被取消。很幸运在去年十月,我和朋友们在疫情之前来到布莱顿参观游览两天,虽然过去将近一年了,但我还是想把美丽的布莱顿通过文字和图片展示出来。在疫情结束之后,我一定会找寻机会再次细细游玩。 Brighton is located on the south coast of England, very close to Surrey. Starting from Guildford by train, we transferred at Dorking and Redhill respectively. It takes us about 2 hours to reach Brighton Railway Station. You come all the way to the University of Surrey to study. If you want to enjoy the […]

萨里的学习环境之Nest;The brand-new learning and social space of Surrey – The Nest

今年由于疫情原因,学校自从4月份至8月都处于封锁关闭状态,除了一些必要的运营性工作人员仍在坚守岗位,其他人员均采用居家办公的方式。但在这段时间,学校的许多工作人员并没有闲下来,为了给来到萨里学习的同学们更好更多元化的学习与社交环境,原先位于Stag Hill校区中心Hive对面的一处学校工作人员办公场所改造成为了The Nest, 面积和对面的Hive差不多大。和Hive作为学校一站式的学生服务平台、兼容一些个人与小组学习与社交空间不同,The Nest无论从结构设计、装修风格、布局规划方面和Hive几乎迥然不同,更突出强调轻松愉快的社交与学习风格。我住在离这里不远的Surrey Court宿舍区,可以说从整个5月份到7月份都能听见白天The Nest里装修的声音,看到施工建筑人员来回进出忙碌,可当8月初The Nest对外开放时,第一次进去参观时我还是被这里明快亮丽、轻松愉快的的风格以及处处体现的人性化设计所惊讶。下面就让我带大家一起来看看我们新的“学生之家”-Nest吧! Due to the epidemic this year, the school has been in a closed state from April to August. Except for some necessary operational staff who are still holding their positions, other staff are working from home. However, during this time, many of the school staff did not […]

萨里湖畔周末BBQ Weekend BBQ at lakeside of Surrey

如果你对疫情期间的宿舍生活感到厌倦了,为何不尝试下和朋友一起在校园湖边BBQ?很多人可能会说我异想天开,校园湖边这么美丽的地方,怎么会允许我们搞BBQ?吃着火锅唱个歌?可是在萨里大学,我们的答案就是YES!!!在我们萨里校园内的湖畔,你不仅能够碳烤食物,而且能边吃边边欣赏美丽的湖畔景观,还可以与朋友在旁边的草地踢球,或和湖边不怕人的水鸟们亲密互动。 If you are getting tired of dorm life during pandemic lockdown, why not try BBQ with friends by the campus lake? Many people may say that I am crazy, how can such a beautiful place by the campus lake allow us to engage in BBQ? But at the University of Surrey, our answer is […]

萨利大学的学术活动掠影 The academic events in Surrey

不论你从事任何学科的学习与研究,如果你是一个有心人,在萨里大学从事学习与研究的一个巨大优势就是,这里有很多具有包容性的学术与行业交流环境与信息共享平台可以供我们利用,在课余增强自己的国际视野、研究水平与学术或行业见闻,对于自己的学习研究甚至以后的就业有着巨大的的帮助。另外,萨里大学先进的教学与科研服务基础设施能够让我们在这里轻松愉快的从事于自己热爱的研究领域,同时在这里你的同学、同事可能来自非常多元的文化背景,在相处的过程中,不同文化的交流、借鉴与融合也是一种美妙的体验。 No matter you are engaged in any discipline of study and research, if you are a very sharp-minded person, one of the great advantages of studying in the University of Surrey is that there are many inclusive academic and industry exchange environments and information sharing platforms for us to use, to strengthen our international […]

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