Surrey meets China

China Student Ambassadors – Haiying, Jiali and Qiancheng

伦敦金融城的迷人夜景The awesome night view of the London financial district

在萨里大学学习,居住在伦敦都市圈附近的吉尔福德,仅需45分钟就可以抵达伦敦滑铁卢火车站。无论是就业、实习、学习,或是探索城市文化、美食探险,对我们而言,伦敦近在咫尺。如果要问我最喜欢伦敦的哪一种风景,我的答案一定是伦敦金融城的夜景。 Studying at the University of Surrey and living in Guildford where located near the London metropolitan area, it only takes 45 minutes to reach London Waterloo train station. Whether it is employment, internships, studies, or exploring city culture, food adventures for us, London is standing very close to us. If you want to ask […]

参加伦敦政经学院LSE的区块链应用学术交流活动 The participation of the block-chain application seminar in London LSE

不论你从事任何课程的学习与研究,如果你是一个有心人,在英国学习的一个巨大优势就是,这里有很多具有包容性的学术与行业交流环境与信息共享平台可以供我们利用,在课余增强自己的国际视野、研究水平与学术或行业见闻,对于自己的学习研究甚至以后的就业有着巨大的的帮助。 No matter you are engaged in any course of study and research, if you are a very sharp-minded person, one of the great advantages of studying in the UK is that there are many inclusive academic and industry exchange environments and information sharing platforms for us to use, to strengthen our international vision, research […]

寻访伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆The Visit of Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A

十九世纪的欧洲有句关于人生享受的俗语:住英国房子、雇英国管家、用意大利厨师、使法国侍者、娶俄罗斯妻子。戏谑之言,过耳即可。十九世纪后期的欧洲,作为人类文明中心,法兰西共和国和德意志帝国连年战争、欧洲宪兵俄罗斯帝国不断扩张土地和奥斯曼土耳其激烈冲突,唯有英国孤悬欧陆之外,有渔盐商贸之地利,无强邻后顾之外忧,率先领导人类进入工业文明,商业贸易伴随着工业化、城市化的急剧提升,人民物质生活也在迅速改善,英国家居用品成了生活品质的代名词。 There was a saying in Europe in the nineteenth century about the enjoyment of life: living in a British house, hiring a British butler, using an Italian chef, serving as a French waiter, and marrying a Russian wife. Just pass your ears to joking. In the late nineteenth century, Europe, as the center of […]

探索萨里:Hankley Common

这一期的博客,我还是继续带大家来看萨里山景区Surrey Hill AONB里的另一处景点Hankley Common高地。基本上在靠近吉尔福德的景区内,相比于徒步,我还是更喜欢骑行。萨里山地区连绵起伏的丘陵和多种类型的骑行道可以让你自由穿梭徜徉在山野林地中,随时停车看风景,随时享受爬坡对身体机能的锻炼。当然,山地自行车对地形的要求相对低一些,你可以到达更多想去的地方,我的自行车就是一辆“久经沙场”的山地自行车。而如果你喜欢公路自行车,萨里山风景区也是个非常理想的骑行场所,这里有专门为骑行爱好者修建的自行车道,连接西南萨里的80多公里(50英里)的乡间小路,B级道路和城镇道路的网络。整个区域共有五条相互连接的越野路线,为我们探索这个美丽地区的最佳选择提供了多样化的选择,去探索优美的景色,开阔的荒地,尘封的历史,以及丰富的野生动植物,如果你喜欢,甚至可以随时停下寻访当地一流的酒吧和咖啡馆。 In this blog, I still take you to see the Hankley Common, another fantastic travel attraction in Surrey Hill AONB. Basically, within all the scenic area around Guildford, I still prefer cycling rather than hiking. The rolling hills and various types of biking trails in the Surry hills area allow you to freely wander through the rolling hills and […]

探索萨里:温克沃斯植物园Winkworth Arboretum

从戈德尔明继续往前骑行15分钟左右,就会来到另一处处于吉尔福德近郊的隶属于国家信托基金National Trust管理的郊野自然地温克沃斯Winkworth,后来这个林地被改造成了一座植物园,于是它又被叫做温克沃斯植物园Winkworth Arboretum。如果从吉尔福德市镇开车过来,我估计总共大约只需要15分钟左右。不同于别的NHS管理的郊野自然地,这里有专人看护管理,需要提前在National Trust官网上预定然后花10磅买门票进入,开放时间为上午10点到下午5点。预定要看具体的时段,早上登记预定就很容易预定成功,然后系统会给你分配一个时间。整个一圈游玩下来大概2小时就够了。在植物园的西边入口处,有售票处,商品店和一个茶房。如果你感觉累了,可以在茶房里点一些茶点饮料和三明治或小甜品。茶房外有两个树桩可以坐下来休息或用餐。英国人对茶的酷爱世人皆知,参观完植物园,很多人会一如既往的在茶房外面来杯悠闲地下午茶,殊不知,从远处看,这些喝茶的人也融入了风景,共同组成了这幅美丽的郊野画卷。 Continuing to ride for about 15 minutes from Godalming, then I came to Winkworth, another natural country in the suburbs of Guildford that is managed by the National Trust. This place used to be a wild woodland then transformed into a large arboretum. So it is also called Winkworth Arboretum. If […]

第一次校园直播The first Surrey live broadcast-campus tour

在上周周末,在Matt和中国区负责人Abby, Nancy的协调下,我们萨里大学中国市场推广小组和合作机构澳际留学合作在斗鱼平台上进行了我们的第一场校园直播活动,带领屏幕前未来的萨里大学学生们熟悉了解了校园的每一个角落。整体来说,我们的直播工作,校园环境,软体建设,社区文化等得到了同学们的一致好评。不少同学甚至标志,如果不是疫情导致的航班管控,真的想现在就买机票飞到英国,来到萨里大学! On the last weekend, under the coordination of Matt and our China-based representatives Abby and Nancy, the Chinese marketing team of the University of Surrey conjointly held our first campus live broadcast event with our crucial partner – Aoji Study Abroad agency on the Douyu live stream platform. In front of the screen, […]

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