在萨里大学学习,居住在伦敦都市圈附近的吉尔福德,仅需45分钟就可以抵达伦敦滑铁卢火车站。无论是就业、实习、学习,或是探索城市文化、美食探险,对我们而言,伦敦近在咫尺。如果要问我最喜欢伦敦的哪一种风景,我的答案一定是伦敦金融城的夜景。 Studying at the University of Surrey and living in Guildford where located near the London metropolitan area, it only takes 45 minutes to reach London Waterloo train station. Whether it is employment, internships, studies, or exploring city culture, food adventures for us, London is standing very close to us. If you want to ask […]
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