In collaboration with Strategyzer, we are running a fully funded 1-day workshop (plus a couple of intro webinars) to allow young academics and SMEs to work together to explore opportunities to collaborate and innovate.
We are hoping to match academics with SMEs based on their area of expertise. Academics get to learn a well-known innovation methodology and interact with SMEs who can explore their business model with some insights into relevant research. Potential further collaboration could arise from this, but if anything, ECRs and PhDs feel enriched with the experience. After attending our last Innovation Workshop, Dr Simon King, Research Fellow at The University of Surrey Advanced Technology Institute said:
“The workshop has provided me with a greater understanding of the business model canvas. This is incredibly beneficial; academics need to be business aware and directly feed this awareness back into our approach to research projects.”
Applications are being confirmed on a regular basis but at the moment we have companies in such sectors/areas:
– Saas and Digital Signatures
– Medical practice management software systems
– Integration of environmental technologies
– Design, fabrication, deployment and operation of cryogenic environmental solutions in the energy sectors
The workshop will run on 18 March in Swindon (+ Webinars 4 & 12 March) and we’d be happy to cover for travel and accommodation for academics.