Advice for Locked In Researchers: An Acrostic Poem

Connected regularly with the friends and colleagues who are best at keeping my spirits up (Laughter is healing).

Only did as much as was realistic, depending on the situation each day (perfectionism can wait)

Reconfigured the project enough to allow me to keep moving forwards (slow progress is still progress)

Opened the window; listened to birds as I breathed in the fresh air (the world was cleaner and quieter)

Never underestimated the rejuvenating power of a 20 minute daily workout (thigh pain is better than RSI)

Asked for help and support when I needed it (everybody is a healer)

Virtual resources – explored and recommend the good ones to my community (soon, will I dream in pixels?)

Insisted on following a basic routine and built in regular breaks (the feeling of control over an otherwise bonkers situation)

Read cautiously and only enough about the situation to keep me calmly informed

Understood that circumstances might change every week; so planned with flexibility and contingencies in place (also true when working collaboratively)

Someday, things WILL return to normal again (I keep this in mind always and I will be ready to go when this happens).