Planning Your AcWriMo

It is important to plan what you are going to do during your AcWriMo. Don’t leave it to chance!

If your target is to get something finished by the end of the month, break down how much time you will have to spend on it each day and the tasks you will have to do each day to finish by your deadline. Make sure you know the first step of each task so you are never sitting at your desk wondering what to do next.

If your task is to spend a certain amount of time writing, then put this in your diary, use your email auto reply and turn off social media.

Need help in planning? Email for advice.

Try the ‘Getting Things Done’ method

  1. Write down everything you have to do or think about as it comes up.
  2. Break down everything you have to do into SMART steps. (They should have actions and be measurable – you should be able to tell when they are done, see the link for more information and handy sheets to write your goals on).
  3. Prioritise these tasks and add due dates.
  4. Look at the list you have created. Is there anything too vague?
  5. Pick an item and start working on it.
  6. Re-visit your list to reflect on your progress and alter where necessary.

Use the Pomodoro technique to work through your to do list

All it needs is the list of your tasks and a timer that times for 25 minutes – simple!

The technique works well because it is easy to concentrate for 25 minutes even on a task you hate and have been putting off for months. With practice the method allows you to see how much you can do in a 25-minute block and makes it easier to estimate how long a task will take.