Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

SABMA Blockchain Training Session 2

All staff and PGRs are invited to: SABMA Blockchain Training Session 2 1-2pm Monday 21st November 2022 at APLAB2, Stag Hill To learn The difference between Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 The fundamentals of blockchain What is Smart Contract Basics of Smart Contract Simple Smart Contract by using Solidity Compiling, testing & deploying Smart Contracts 2 popular […]

ACWriMo: Enjoying Writing as a PGR or ECR

Thinking about the big picture When I began my PhD, I, like many PGRs in my faculty and others, had the same query: why is our three-year PhD thesis supposed to be 80,000 words long? Why not 75,000? Or 90,000? Or 100,000? I haven’t seen a definitive explanation as to why 80,000 words came to […]

Academic Language and Skills for PhD

Academic Language and Skills for PhD This course is for students who have entered through Category 1 of the IELTS Exception policy or for any early years PhD students who may benefit from attending. The aim of the course is to help students further develop their English academic language and skills through the four areas […]

The Brilliant Club Opportunities

Opportunities for PGRs and ECRs 22/23 The Brilliant Club is an award-winning university access charity. They recruit and train PhD students and ECRs to support less advantaged school pupils access the most competitive universities and succeed when they get there.  The Brilliant Club provides PhDs and ECRs training in widening participation, research communication, and teaching. Researchers […]

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