Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

Why get involved in the Doctoral College Conference Committee 2021?

We asked some of last year’s committee members to give us an insight into being on the DC Conference Committee and any words of wisdom for those thinking of applying for the 2021 committee? Clayton as Co-Chair, congratulations on organising a fantastic 2020 DC Conference. For you, what was the best part about being involved […]

AcWriMo: Writing Good Arguments: Being CLEAR

Dr Mike Rose, Researcher Development Training Officer, Doctoral College Academic writing is a strange beast. It often looks like botched taxidermy, especially in the editing phase. (I was going to include an image here, but they were all a bit upsetting. Image search ‘weird taxidermy’ at your discretion.) The conventions are often rigid but implicit, […]

AcWriMo: Don’t wait until you`know’ before you write, write to discover what you know.

Guest post – Dr Kate Gleeson, Doctoral College Director I really enjoy writing. I love everything about it: the physical process, watching the words mount up, the feeling of progressing towards something interesting and useful. However, I hate the moment of starting to write. This has nothing to do with writers block, but everything to do with […]

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