Surrey Abroad

Follow the adventures of Surrey students abroad!

SKEMA Business School: Studying abroad during my Masters degree

Hello, my name is Rosita and as part of my Master’s in Digital Marketing at the University of Surrey, I studied abroad at SKEMA Business School in Lille, France. Going on a study exchange is such a game-changer. From my experience, it’s a chance to push yourself out of your comfort zone, meet people from […]

Study in Spain and Germany

MaddieBA Modern Languages (Spanish and German)Universitat Jaume I, SpainAlbert Ludwigs Universitat in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany My name is Maddie and I studied at 2 different universities on my year abroad, firstly at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellon de la Plana, which is located on the coast of Spain, and secondly at the Albert […]

Study abroad in Montréal

KatyBachelor in Business Management and FrenchHEC Montréal, Canada I arrived in hot, sunny Montreal in mid-August, experienced the magic and beauty of Canadian fall, and ended the semester in deep snow with temperatures as low as -12 degrees Celsius! Each season was beautiful in its own way, but going to Mont-Royal Park in the fall […]

Study Abroad in Orlando

MaxBachelor in International RelationsUniversity of Central Florida My name is Max, and I am an undergraduate, studying International Relations at the University of Surrey. The university I attended on my study exchange was the University of Central Florida, which is located in Orlando, USA. I decided to go on this exchange because I always like […]

Study Abroad in Sweden

MylesLund UniversityBachelor in Business Management I had the opportunity to study at Lund University in Sweden on exchange for the Autumn semester of 2023. I studied for around 5 months from the middle of August to the middle of January and I had a amazing time. Before I applied to study abroad I was nervous […]

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