Surrey Abroad

Follow the adventures of Surrey students abroad!

Study in Spain and Germany

MaddieBA Modern Languages (Spanish and German)Universitat Jaume I, SpainAlbert Ludwigs Universitat in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany My name is Maddie and I studied at 2 different universities on my year abroad, firstly at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellon de la Plana, which is located on the coast of Spain, and secondly at the Albert […]

Study abroad in Montréal

KatyBachelor in Business Management and FrenchHEC Montréal, Canada I arrived in hot, sunny Montreal in mid-August, experienced the magic and beauty of Canadian fall, and ended the semester in deep snow with temperatures as low as -12 degrees Celsius! Each season was beautiful in its own way, but going to Mont-Royal Park in the fall […]

Study Abroad in Orlando

MaxBachelor in International RelationsUniversity of Central Florida My name is Max, and I am an undergraduate, studying International Relations at the University of Surrey. The university I attended on my study exchange was the University of Central Florida, which is located in Orlando, USA. I decided to go on this exchange because I always like […]

Study Abroad in Sweden

MylesLund UniversityBachelor in Business Management I had the opportunity to study at Lund University in Sweden on exchange for the Autumn semester of 2023. I studied for around 5 months from the middle of August to the middle of January and I had a amazing time. Before I applied to study abroad I was nervous […]

Study Abroad in Germany

RikkiBA Modern Languages (German and Spanish)Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg, Germany My study exchange challenged me in many different ways and I believe it forced me to be the most independent I’ve ever been, in a good way. From taking my first flight alone, to navigating around a country and city I’d never even been to […]

University of Sydney study abroad

Hi I’m Edgar & I’m a second year Economics student at the University of Surrey who has just returned from a Study abroad semester, in Australia at the University of Sydney.   To begin this blog, I think its only fair to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that the IEO outgoing team put in to […]

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