Governing Plastics Network

Updates and insights from the war against plastic in seven developing nations

INC-4 concludes with late night crisis talks delivering a mandate for intersessional work but at a significant cost

The fourth round of UN global plastics treaty negotiations end with some progress, but not enough to deliver the ambitious treaty the world needs in the allotted time if a vocal minority of oil-producing countries continue to undermine any attempt to discuss upstream measures that might threaten their profits.  Sam Winton breaks down the options […]

Line by line negotiations commence as the clock ticks down on INC-4

With the end of the fourth round of UN plastics treaty talks in sight, the focus is on forging each provision of the treaty, line by line and word by word, but progress is slow thanks to delaying tactics calculated avoid having to discuss upstream measures. Sam Winton explains why the devil isn’t just in […]

Progress being made but delegates are beginning to feel the effects of long hours

At the UN plastic treaty talks, negotiation fatigue is beginning to set in, sub-groups are getting down down to the nitty-gritty of hammering out the provisions, and Japan plays a wildcard – but what would its “whole of society” approach mean in practice? Sam Winton provides an insider’s view of the issues that will decide […]

Substantive discussions commence but deep divisions are present on many provisions of the text

On days two and three of talks, delegates clash over the merits of mandatory vs voluntary extended producer responsibility, and does the “full life cycle of plastic” refer to the full life cycle of plastic or just the downstream phase? Sam Winton explains how these issues hark back to established rivalries between high and low […]

Early battle lines drawn but the afternoon brings progress as INC-4 kicks off

By the fourth set of negotiations, the opposing camps, their goals and tactics are well-established. Members arguing for a fossil-fuel friendly treaty reliant on national action plans and downstream measures ferment obfuscation and delay, while delegates seeking a high-ambition, enforceable treaty addressing every stage of the plastics cycle argue there is not a moment to […]

Delegates arrive in Ottawa for INC-4 with a clear need for urgent progress in the negotiations

As negotiations resume to build the first global, legally binding treaty on plastic pollution, Sam Winton returns to provide on-the-spot insights throughout the week, uncovering the issues driving the debate in Ottawa and the sticking points that still stand in the way of progress. I have arrived in Ottawa ahead of the critical fourth session […]

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