Budapest, the Golden City

“Venice on the water, Florence on the plains and Buda on the hills.” – people say.

And this time, let me bring you around Budapest and witness the beauty of this golden city!

About Budapest


Similar to Vienna, the weather in Budapest can be quite chill and may snow in Jan and Feb anytime so do remember to bring your jacket and some thick clothes.


Slightly different from other European countries, both Forint and Euros are the currencies used in Budapest.  However, you will have to prepare some Euros or Forint in cash as some shops accept payments only in cash.

Also, we can still use our HSBC World Debit Card there for payment although we don’t have Forint in our account, it’s simply because the system will just convert your HKD saving into Forint so that wouldn’t be a huge problem if you do have sufficient amount of money inside.


Hungarian is the official language there, there may still be people who speak German or English but just know that it’s not always the case.  In other words, always get yourself a translator readied for smoother communication!

Hassle-free experience 

Once again, don’t forget to check out the Budapest card if you are planning to go to various attractions.  With this card, you simply get to use almost all types of public transport and enter various attractions for free!

The card has different options, namely 24, 48, 96, 120 and 72 hours as well as a plus option. 
There are some attractions can only be accessed for free with the plus card so do have a check over the places that you want to go before purchasing it, just in case!

The 72 Plus card looks like this!

To get it, tap HERE to go to their website or simply go to Budapest info center located here: Városháza Park, 1052 Budapest, District V, Károly körút 30., Hungary

P.S. Don’t forget to write down the validation time at the back of your card, or else you may be fined as the card will be considered as invalidate


To get to city center, simply buy yourself a shuttle bus ticket at these machines right outside the airport.  P.S. this machine takes only Forint (both in cash or card) so don’t forget to prepare yourself some cash in advance!




雖然兩部分嘅距離唔算遠,但規劃行程嗰陣都可以將兩邊分開,避免行回頭路嘥咗啲時間 😀

另外,布達佩斯同維也納好近,但佢哋嘅特色可以話係截然不同!布達佩斯未必有維也納嘅奢華、琳琅滿目嘅博物館同展覽,但佢勝在有一種慢活同宜居城市嘅氛圍 🥰



頭站嘅行程,就喺Buda開始啦!要去到城堡山(Budapest Castle Hill),可以搭291 / 22A巴士嚟到山腳底呢個站,再轉搭吊車上山

P.S. 持有Budapest Plus嘅朋友仔可以免費搭乘吊車,上到山先喺上面嘅小食站用卡換票落翻嚟。而買票嘅咁多位就需要特別留意喇,因為站入面嘅實體票務處唔會長開,職員亦都只會喺有訪客嘅時候先出現,大家可以先喺吊車入口附近嘅機度買飛,然後敲門搵職員開閘比你登車 😂


登頂之後,我哋可以俯瞰到成個布達佩斯,如果天氣好嘅話,真係一個超震撼嘅體驗嚟㗎 🤩

如果唔係太想上頂嘅朋友仔,不妨花啲時間上去Buda Hill,喺上面一樣可以望到對面岸嘅景,可以話係同樣震撼 😙 除此之外,附近仲有唔同嘅特色建築同埋打卡位比大家影翻夠本,鍾意紀錄自己旅程點滴嘅咁多位一定唔可以錯過呀!

This is included in the Budapest Card!

要數打卡點,Fisherman’s Bastion一定係top 3!除咗可以影到Parliament Building之外,亦都有角度比大家影到Liberty Bridge,確實係一個好好嘅spot 🤤


有興趣入內參觀,又或者係搭下車仔遊覽嘅話,Budapest Card都包㗎!搭完纜車上去不妨上埋觀光車喺上面兜翻個圈,吹住風影下相吖 😀

唔止睇嘢,如果想搵嘢做輕鬆下嘅話,可以考慮吓去House of Houdini。雖然卡裡面唔包,但入場其實都只係€10,票價會包一個短短嘅guided your 去講述Houdini 呢位傳奇逃脫高手嘅一生,同埋一場小型魔術表演比大家過下癮


睇完風景之後,與其急住去下個景點,不妨坐低食餐好嘅先再繼續我哋嘅行程 😋

喺市中心有呢一間,xxxx - 環境輕鬆,分別設有室內同室外座位,呢度嘅嘢食除咗賣相同質素無庸置疑之外,價錢亦都非常相宜🫣(布達佩斯嘅消費指數,大概只有維也納嘅三分之二甚至再平啲。By that, I bet most of you can tell how suitable Budapest is for a short getaway!!)





稍為失望嘅係,第一次上嘅時候鴨胸有啲老,因為咁,肉質都真係有啲鞋 🥲 好彩同侍staff反映之後,都有即刻換過碟

食完之後,又係時候繼續玩喇 😌 

唔知大家喺細個嘅時候有無喺上堂嘅時候聽過多瑙河呢個名呢?作為歐洲第二長嘅河流,今次喺Budapest就有機會一睹佢嘅風光喇 🤩 雖則只係一少段,但絕對係一個悠閑好體驗 <3


(船上貼心地設有多國語言嘅audio guide,比咁多位用翻最親切嘅語言 🤩)

咩話?唔鍾意搭船仔?無有怕,咁多位可以去嘆翻個hot bath吖,做翻樣當地common嘅活動之一 🤩

即使係冬天,即使係落雪嘅時候一樣會有唔少人去嘆翻個hot bath

Use thia band for entry and as your locker key

第一次去嘅朋友仔要留意,以St Luckas呢度為例,佢哋嘅bath係男女共用同一個更衣室,洗手間同沖涼就會分翻開

Some of the bath are included in the pass and some are only discounted, do check in advance!!






翻去之前梗係要買翻啲手信㗎啦 🫡 喺布達佩斯,可以去翻當地嘅中央市集。裡面除咗有各式各樣嘅紀念品之外,仲有當地出名嘅魚子、蜜糖同埋鵝肝,仲可以搵到唔同嘅小食㗎 🥰

Museum of Fine Arts

如果真係想睇博物館嘅朋友仔,可以參考下 🙂 就喺 Hero Square 隔離,睇完仲可以逛下成個公園添。

肚餓嘅話,又係喺正隔離!一間喺當地非常受歡迎嘅餐廳,主打鴨腿同鵝肝 🤤 

Paprika Vendéglő: Dozsa Gyoergy ut 72, Budapest 1071 Ungheria+




Gerloczy Cafe & Brasserie: Gerloczy Utca 1, Budapest 1052 Hungary

小食方面,可以試下可麗餅,好多地方都有而且仲有唔同嘅combination,比咁多位滿足下自己嘅味蕾 😛

除咗上面介紹嘅,當然仲有啦!鍾意鵝肝嘅朋友仔一定唔可以錯過呢間呀,絕對值得 — Kiskakukk Etterem!

Kiskakukk Etterem: Pozsonyi ut 12., Budapest 1137 Hungary

足料Goulash Soup,每啖都係滿足嘅味道 <3

Kiadó Kocsma另外如果鍾意鴨胸嘅咁多位,可以試下Kiadó Kocsma,一間朝早係餐廳,夜晚就會搖身一變成為pub嘅高汁餐館。

Kiadó Kocsma: Jokai ter 3, Budapest 1061 Hungary

佢哋仲有招牌Tiramisu,完美嘅一晚當然要配翻件高汁甜品先得啦 🤭

Time to call it a day…

Yup, once again. As always, do drop me a message if there’s anything you would like to know. Until then, stay good and see you all in the next blog post – Trip to France!