Stags in Canarias

Once again, the exciting time has come – a well-deserved summer vacation and diving trip with our Scuba Diving society! This time, we will be heading to Lanzarote!

People say, “Dreams are best pursued diving in head first”. So here we are, in Lanzarote, Spain to pursue some underwater dreams with my fellow dive mates again this year!

and how do you pursue your dreams?

Similar with last year’s trip in Croatia, Lanzarote has some scenic beaches and crystal clear water. However, we did half of our dives by the shore this time. Despite that, all dives were super fun and memorable! Let’s have a look at some of the pictures we have taken underwater :D!

Playa Chica

Shore dive might sound like a monotone thing to do, but Playa Chica was in fact quite a good shore dive site. Depending on which direction you go – left or right, you can expect an entirely different dive.

To your right, you may see a variety of sea life, all within 15m which is in fact a friendly depth!

Octopus, gigantic one hiding under a rock
Ok I don’t know what’s their difference so if someone does, let me know
haven’t seen enough of Blenny in Hong Kong dives? Ready for more lol

Atlantic Arrow Crab, indeed a good buddy for your lighting practice

Seahorse, they are indeed everywhere to be found around Playa Chica!

Angel Shark spotted!
see what we found during night dive!
a little cutie

In fact, there are also plenty of rays but they were only captured in videos. Drop me a message if you fancy some videos for it!

Blue Hole & Cathedral Cave

And if you dive towards the left side of Playa Chica, you will be seeing the Blue Hole and Cathedral Cave.

Slightly deeper tho… (ok may no be slightly, it’s down to 35m)
Here we goooo, some swim thrus before reaching the Blue Hole <3

Let’s not forget about the Cathedral Cave!

No good pics of the Cathedral Cave so I’ll just put one of my mates’

Underwater Museum

One of the most popular dive sites in Lanzarote, the Underwater Museum. Where you may find great number of man-made statues underwater representing different group of people and symbolizing various things.

Harbor Wrecks

spaces inside, fit for a good dose swim thru
onto another wreck! (there are 3 around the siote fact)

Time does fly when we are having fun 🙁 our annual diving trip has once again come to an end, but that also means we can start looking forward to next year’s. If you are interested in starting your diving journey, check out our club insta or simply drop me a message for more information!

See you all on the surface, and in our next blog post!