A Week as a Postgraduate Tourism Student

Vegetable Market



火曜日:11時からブログを書く作業。その後1時からResearch Methodsの授業で、修士論文のリサーチに必要となる知識を学びます。

水曜日:9時からTourism Developmentの授業。国レベルの観光政策立案に直接関わった方がゲストとして講義をしてくださることもあり、このコースに入学してよかったと実感する瞬間のうちの一つです。午後はSurrey Tourism and Events Societyのミーティング。このソサエティはツーリズム関連の就活イベントやゲストスピーチを企画実行している団体で、学生と業界の橋渡し的役割を果たしています。

木曜日:10時からキャンパス内のイベントスペース(Rubix!)で開催されている野菜&果物マーケットへ。このマーケットは毎週木曜日に開催されていて、新鮮な野菜と果物が手に入る上にスーパーより安いのでここで一週間分の食材を購入します。11時からのスペイン語の授業の後、2時からPerspectives in Tourism Managementの授業。授業後はクラスメートたちと飲みに行くことも。キャンパス内にパブ(Wates House)があるのでとても便利です。

金曜日:9時からHospitality, Tourism and Events Operating Systemsの授業。12時からAcademic Writingの授業で正しい英語論文の書き方を学び、その後は友達との毎週恒例ランチ。気の合う友達との近況報告や情報交換の時間はとても大切です。

土曜日と日曜日:週末はアルバイト。ギルフォードの街にある日本雑貨の大手チェーンのお店で働いています。私の保有するTier 4 General Student Visaの就労可能時間は1週間に20時間まで。このアルバイトは週末合計15時間なので、ちょうどいい時間数です。また、週末が完全にフリーでないというプレッシャーは実はプラスで、その分平日の空いている時間にきちんと予定を立てて勉強に取り組むことができます。


Hello, everyone! Today I will talk about my week schedule at Surrey. I can’t say this is a typical week agenda for everyone because it all depends on his/her major or priority, but I hope this will help you have a general idea.

Monday: Monday is my only day-off in the week. I usually wake up quite late and go to do the laundry. The launderette is on campus and it is literally 5 minutes walk from my house. Washing costs about 2.5 GBP and it takes half an hour, and drying costs 1.0 GBP with an hour. I cook something in the evening, and go to the library to study afterwards.

Tuesday: Tuesday is a blogging day! I go to the international student recruitment office to write a blog post (this blog!) at 11. Then I have a lecture of Research Methods at 1, where I learn all the insights into the research process especially useful for the final dissertation.

Wednesday: Waking up at 8 for the morning lecture in the middle of the week is one of the hardest things to do, but I have a class of Tourism Development where a number of guest speakers from the tourism industry visit and deliver lectures. In the evening, I attend a meeting of Surrey Tourism & Events Society to have a discussion for upcoming events. The society’s aim is to strengthen the link between the university and the industry and benefit University of Surrey tourism, hospitality and events students.

Thursday: I go to the vegetables & fruits market held every Thursday at Rubix (student’s night club), and buy the groceries for the week. I go there every week because the products are fresher and cheaper than the ones found at a supermarket. Then I have a Spanish class at 11 and Perspectives in Tourism Management at 2. Occasionally, I go for drinks with my course mates after class. Wates House is an ideal place for a quick drink because of its convenient location on campus.

Friday: My day starts with Hospitality, Tourism and Events Operating Systems at 9 and then Academic Writing at 12. Then I go for a weekly lunch with my friend on campus. My time with friends to update each other and share insights is precious and this is my energy for the week!

Saturday and Sunday: On weekends, I work at a Japanese store that mainly sells stationary, housewares, clothes, bags, and furniture. My working hours in total are 15 hours, which is perfect for me because my visa (Tier 4 General Student Visa) only allows me to work for 20 hours per week.

I spend my free time mainly for group meetings, pre and post studies for classes, and my individual assignments. I also go for drinks approximately once a week or in two weeks. It is generally said that life in the UK is expensive, but it’s not too bad if you try to cook home and have a student job for a small number of hours, which allows you to go to town for drinks/dinner with your friends once in a while. Studying abroad is not only about studies, but also about interacting and communicating with people with a variety of backgrounds from different parts of the world! In my next post, I will talk about some negative experiences I had here in the UK and introduce how I dealt with them.