A Week as a Postgraduate Tourism Student (2nd Semester)

University Campus


月曜日:9時スタートのVisitor Attraction Managementで一週間が始まります。観光スポットはどのようにして作られるのか、それらをマネジメントするにあたって直面する問題点は何か、課題解決のためにはどんなアプローチが有効か、等について体系的に学ぶ授業。その後は12時からスペイン語、午後は翌日の予習やグループ課題のミーティングの時間に充てています。

火曜日:10時からTourism Social Scienceの授業。観光を社会科学の観点から見て議論するというもので、毎回各分野の専門の先生が交代で講義を担当します。観光を取り巻く様々なフィールドについて学ぶことができ、非常に興味深い授業です。2時からこのブログを更新し、4時からのDissertation Writingのクラスでは修士論文執筆にあたって必要な基本知識を学びます。

水曜日:1月から新しい職場でアルバイトを始めました。週二日、ロンドンのオフィスへ通勤しています。 朝8時過ぎに寮を出て、10時から勤務開始。片道一時間半以上の通勤は大学一年時以来なので最初は不安でしたが、慣れてしまえばそれほど大変な距離ではありません。帰宅は8時頃、余力があれば夕食後に友人とランニングに出かけます。

木曜日:10時からDestination Management and Marketingの授業。観光目的地(ディスティネーション)のイメージと観光客の行動との関係や、観光が地元の人々へもたらす影響などが主なトピックです。この授業は私の修士論文のテーマと直接つながりがあるので、毎回課題意識を持って参加しています。その後、3時からはProject Managementの授業。プロジェクト遂行にあたって必要となるプロセスや問題解決方法を学びます。


土曜日と日曜日:前期は週末にアルバイトをしていましたが、後期は完全にフリーの時間です。授業の予習復習や課題に加えて後期は修士論文の準備に時間をとる必要があり、現在はLiterature Review(既存研究のレビュー)パートを執筆中です。論文の最終締め切りは9月初旬ですが、膨大な量の文献読解とライティングが必要となるため、今から計画的に進めていく必要があります。この他、食材の買い出しと洗濯をするのも週末のタスクです。また、週末の内一日は友人とランニングすることを心がけています。



Hello, everyone! Today I will talk about my week schedule in the second semester, following up the post in December that featured the typical week agenda in the previous semester.

Monday: My week starts with Visitor Attraction Management at 9. In this module, we learn about how visitor attractions develop, what are the main issues of managing the attractions, the challenges with tourism ethics, and so on. I have Spanish right after the class and I usually spend the whole afternoon on assignments and pre/post studies at the library.

Tuesday: The module “Tourism Social Science” focuses on various aspects of tourism, depending on the lecturer of the week. We have different lecturers every time and they all talk about their own specialties. In the afternoon, I write a post for this blog and then I have Dissertation Writing Session at 4 where I learn basic knowledge for writing the dissertation including structure, grammatical skills, and plagiarism.

Wednesday: In January, I started working for a company in London. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I commute to the office and work for 7 hours each. It is a Japanese company that deals with promoting Japan and Japanese culture, which I am the most passionate about. After coming back from work at 8PM, I join my friend for a night run if I am not too tired.

Thursday: The morning class “Destination Management and Marketing” gives us insight into managerial challenges that a destination faces. I find the class very interesting and helpful, as my dissertation topic is on destination image and branding. After lunch, I have another class called “Project Management” where I learn the detailed procedure for conducting a project.

Friday: I have the same timetable as Wednesday more or less, except that I go for drinks in town after work; it’s nice to have some fun with my friends to finish a busy and hectic week!

Saturday and Sunday: Unlike the first semester, I have weekends off. I spend my weekends writing my assignments, pre/post studies, and attending group meetings at times. Moreover, we are expected to work on the dissertation throughout the semester. Apart from that, I go for grocery shopping and laundry. On one of the two days, I try to go for a run as well.

The biggest difference between the first and second semester is the number of friends I have. At the beginning of the school year, I didn’t know many people and hence I was following my own schedule. This semester, on the other hand, I have so many great friends I want to spend the time and share my experience with. However, the postgraduate year is limited and it is important to always think about the priorities; this will help us organise the busy schedule and get everything done efficiently.